SoftBank and Saudi Arabia Create Tech Monster

SoftBank and Saudi Arabia Create Tech Monster

SoftBank is an IT support and telecommunications powerhouse. Their headquarters are in Tokyo, Japan. But they made history again. Because they teamed up with an unlikely ally to create a mega fund. SoftBank and Saudi Arabia Create a tech monster.

Hence, this monster is the world’s biggest technology fund. They call it Vision Fund. ?The fund will start with $93 billion. Also, Japan and Saudi Arabia hope this fund challenges Silicon Valley investors. We will see. How is Saudia Arabia in this? Because the Saudi prince is the main investor. Not only that, but tech giants Apple and Qualcomm take part. So is US President Donald Trump. SoftBank promised President Trump this deal would give the US 50,000 jobs.

Keep in mind this happens while Trump visits the Saudi Royal Family. So why did Saudi prince Mohammad bin Salman invest in this? Because he wants his nation to be a powerhouse in technology, not just oil. So why did SoftBank CEO Mr. Son create this deal? He dreams to have a tech powerhouse outside of Japan. This deal was months in the making. In fact, there was so much infighting they didn’t think this deal would happen at all. But it did. SoftBank and Saudi Arabia created a tech monster.

But what does this have to do with the rest of us in computer repair, or other tech aspect? Well, if this SoftBank and Saudi Arabia deal does create all these jobs, then things will definitely look up. Here in the US, we need all the jobs we can get. Furthermore, we need all the tech jobs we can get. But I’m skeptical. How many times have we heard this before? So I’ll believe it when the jobs come over here. What about Silicon Valley. This SoftBank and Saudi Arabia deal will give them competition. Maybe that’s what they need in California: a wake up call. What do you think of this SoftBank and Saudi Arabia potential tech monster?

Microsoft Fixes Potential Disaster; Or Did They?

Microsoft Fixes Potential Disaster; Or Did They?

When it comes to Malware, Microsoft does better at protecting themselves then most. But even they must watch their back. Because there is a new, powerful and scary threat looming over Microsoft, especially the anti-malware system. Microsoft fixes potential disaster, or did they?

Researchers say this threat is so powerful it bypasses any security. Then, it turns over your whole computer system to a hacker. But this threat needs a ‘specific crafted file’. They send this bad file either through email or send them the websites with hardly any protection. Windows’ malware protection system scans this file. But all this software does is let the hacker get into the system. Then, this malware can add or delete however it pleases. That’s how it gets and exploits private information.

This is why the threat is so scary. It abuses and exploits the very system it needs to protect. What’s even scarier is that Windows usually does a great job scanning all content for malware threats. However, this one just passes through. In fact, you don’t even need to open this vile thing before mayhem breaks loose on your computer. All it has to do is just show up. So what is Microsoft doing about it?

This is how Microsoft fixes potential disaster. They’re rolling out a patch. This patch is supposed to close this whole so this threat won’t get through. These updates can take up to 48 hours. However they don’t tell me how to obtain this patch. In computer repair, and at our Boston computer servicing shop, we haven’t seen this issue, yet. But now that you know about this threat, I suggest you do all you can to avoid it at all cost. And if you were hit, then do what you must to rid yourself of it before it destroys or exploits your system. I with I knew more about how Microsoft fixes potential disaster. What tips do you have for prevention?

The Intel Chip Bug: Consumer Alert

The Intel Chip Bug: Consumer Alert

Over the past several days, an Intel chip made news for all the wrong reasons. Because there is a flaw leaving people’s computers venerable. And because of this flaw, hackers can take over your system. The Intel chip bug: consumer alert.

So it turns out this isn’t a new problem. In fact, the problem is almost 10 years old. Apparently, this bug is so bad that it can allow hackers to control your computer even when it’s off. ?The bug took advantage of Intel’s Active Management Technology (AMT). This AMT lets you do your own maintenance and software updates. So you can see why it would be so popular.

But it’s potentially dangerous. It has been for years. One security expert says the AMT does give you remote services. But there is a price to pay, and I don’t just mean money either. The AMT needs network access, access to memory and disk/hard drive information, and more. Yes, one can protect their AMT through a password. But the problem is hackers can easily break into these passwords. In fact, security experts say the Intel chip bug began when the default admin still processes passwords. Therefore, anybody can log into your system because of this bug.

We don’t know how many PCs got hit. But some say the toll is about 8,500 worldwide, with 3,000 of them in the USA. But that’s on the low end compared to a lot of bugs and hacks in the past. Let’s hope it stays on the low end. In our Boston computer service shop, we haven’t yet got this complaint. But our computer repair company fixes bugs like the Intel chip bug all the time. We see plenty of bugs like this too. This is why I believe it’s so important to inform ourselves and the public about these dangers. ?Intel says they’re working on the problem and instructing manufacturers to do better. But is it too late?

New Windows Features,Especially For GMail Users

New Windows Features,Especially For GMail Users

Last week, in our Boston computer service shop, we had a debate. It was about how good, or not so good, Windows 10 is. So my argument was, “They’re doing better than other Windows services did”. Hence, it looks like they’re trying to do even better. Here are new Windows features, especially for GMail users.

But don’t expect this to happen overnight. The new Windows features will happen first to insiders, then to the general public. Furthermore, you’ll see them on Outlook and Office 365. That is, those who have ties to GMail accounts. If you want to focus on a certain email, the new features can do it. They can also help you with every day business and personal things, like traveling and package deliveries.

But Microsoft asks users to do their part. They need to send a copy of their email, calendar and contact to Microsoft cloud. This updates your GMail system. In the next few weeks, expect reminders to upgrade your GMail account. And they won’t stop reminding you, either. So if you miss the first prompt, just give it a few weeks. You’ll get another one.

In fact, they’ll probably cram it down your throat until you finally do accept the new Windows feature. That’s what I don’t like about these new features. And it’s not just Microsoft, but just about every IT service does it like this. It’s maddening. Okay, enough of my ranting. But I wish Microsoft would tell us a little bit more of these new Windows features. What else do they have to offer? Or is this it? And I’ve been talking to several Windows 10 users. I also spoke with some GMail users as well. A lot of folks are unhappy with these services. Will these new Windows features make them happy? Or will it further alienate more customers?

Facebook Passwords: Facebook Helps Recover Password

Facebook Passwords: Facebook Helps Recover Password

You have password issues, don’t you? Most of us do. In fact, if you’re in computer repair, they’re almost a guarantee. Facebook wants to change that. Facebook passwords: Facebook helps recover passwords.

So yes, Facebook wants to help you recover passwords. But not just for your site. They also want to help you recover passwords for every site you need them. And in this day and age, ?you need passwords for many, many websites. This came up at the F8 Facebook Development Conference in San Jose, CA. So there, they develop a software. They call it, ‘Delegated Account Recovery’. Hence, with this software, people can recover any password to any account.

But there’s one catch. That account has to be a part of Facebook’s beta program. So here is what that means. Can you log on to the website through Facebook? Then you can use this new Facebook passwords software. You click on the ‘forgot my password’ button. Then, that button takes you to Facebook. From there, they’ll ask you questions only you would know. The question would be something like, “Where did you attend high school?”. It could also give you a Facebook friend and tell you to give his or her name. If you get it right, Facebook gives the website confirmation that you are who you really are. And boom! Your Facebook passwords problems are solved.

But I will tell you one thing. This program will be very popular. Do you know how many people come in our Boston computer service shop with password issues? If I had a dollar every time this happened, then I would be rich. So the demand will be there. And think about all the sites where you can log on through Facebook. That’s just how powerful Facebook is these days. But would it be safe? I love Facebook. But, do we want one website, Facebook, to have this much power over us?

Will Facebook Messenger Matter After April 2017?

Will Facebook Messenger Matter After April 2017?

Since it’s creation, Facebook Messenger took off in use and popularity. Hence, on my personal page, 80% of my Facebook friends use Messenger. But could that change soon? Will Facebook Messenger matter after April 2017?

I ask this because of the sources I read. They say Facebook considers quitting the Windows Phone 8.1 version of Messenger. In fact, they believe Zuckerberg plans to slowly kill Messenger’s support on Windows phones. But wait. There’s more. They also believe older Facebook Messenger apps aren’t what they used to be. And this is on Android and Apple phones. But let’s focus back on Windows 8.1 phones.

According to an Italian tech news website, Facebook will stop supporting Messenger on Windows 8.1 phones. What does that mean? That means if you have this smartphone, then ?Messenger will be as good as Windows XP. That means no good at all. ?Also, these phone owners are already getting email warnings. The warnings tell them what’s coming and that it’s coming soon. The support will start at the end of March. They give two ways to avoid the shock of unsupported Messenger. One is to upgrade your software to Windows 10. Or, they can buy a smartphone that has the latest software.

Also, they suggest Android and Apple users have the latest software, if they want to have Facebook Messenger. Already, customers bring their phones to our Boston computer service shop with these concerns. We tell them what I’m telling you. Make sure you have the latest Messenger app. Plus, when support for the old systems go, it’s not coming back. But if you continue using the old support, you’re opening yourself up. You open yourself up to viruses, malware, and goodness knows what else. When you do, Facebook, Windows, and others won’t support you. Yes, we at Computer Geeks specialize in laptops fixed, but why wait that long?

Computer Geeks Now Offers No-Contact Service
We offer two types of service: 1) Online remote 2) No-Contact at your Curb Service