Tesla Joins The Fight Against COVID-19

Tesla Joins The Fight Against COVID-19

Tesla begins manufacturing ventilators

A month back, Tesla CEO Elon Musk communicated some doubt about the seriousness of the coronavirus pandemic, however that hasn’t halted Tesla engineers from attempting to address the urgent need of ventilators in American medical clinics confronting a torrent of COVID-19 cases.

The organization is now mobilizing to use an enormous stock of automobile parts to assemble ventilators that will hopefully reinvigorate the country’s inventory of the life-saving breathing machines. At the present time, it’s unknown whether Tesla’s engineers have conferred with clinical specialists or professionals in the respiratory field to glean input on the design of their their ventilators.

Tesla has yet to offer a timeline and road map for when the conceptual planning of their ventilator would move towards the manufacturing stage. Even after that takes place, the machines would almost certainly still require stringent quality assurance testing that could delay their roll out by a year or even longer. However, in light of the national emergency facing the nation, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has expressed a desire to ease regulations to facilitate rapid production of the devices.

While Musk has caught flack for initially dismissing the severity of the coronavirus, the entrepreneur has since donated considerable amounts of medical equipment purchased from China to hospitals around the U.S.

Musk has shared plans to reopen Tesla’s Buffalo, New York factory to aid in its production of the ventilators. This in addition to coordinating with ventilator manufacturers who will use Tesla’s supply chain to bolster their output of the devices.

U.S. hospitals have 160,000 ventilators on hand, a number that falls short of what’ll be required to meet the wave of cases that are sure to balloon once infections spread. If Tesla is able contribute its engineering might to the fight against the virus, Elon Musk is sure to be remember for the helping hand.

Facebook Messenger Kids’ Error

Facebook Messenger Kids’ Error

So many parents, even in computer repair, get Facebook Messenger Kids. They get it because they can control who gets on their kids’ pages. Think of it as a safety precaution. However, even the precaution went wrong. Let’s look at this Facebook Messenger Kids’ Error.

So according to The Verge, Facebook sent a message to parents. The message warned them about a technical error. This error allowed a child’s friend to start a chat in the app. However, these chats can go without the approval of the parent’s first child. I don’t want to confuse anybody. But basically, what this technical error does is remove a layer of safety and protection.

So far, Facebook is not making this totally public. They’re telling parents who may be affected by this tech error. Of course, it’s public know thanks to bloggers and tech journalists around the world. The Verge believes this flaw left thousands of kids in unsupervised chat rooms.

And I think this is the panic here behind this Facebook Messenger Kids’ error. Some may say, oh, it’s only one snafu, it’s only one error of protection that went away. What’s wrong with that? What’s wrong with that is that’s all it takes. Let’s face it: The criminals, traffickers and perverts are getting smarter and smarter with technology. That’s not good. Then there are other kids who want to bully or threaten another kid. This missing layer of protection can mean easy, easy pickins’ for these bullies. So you have two kinds of people already that can use this to their advantage. What are some others? And what can we do to keep out kids safe?

Will America Make It Back To The Moon?

Will America Make It Back To The Moon?

So last weekend, America celebrated the 50th anniversary on Man’s Walk on the Moon. But the last time an American made it back to the moon was 1972. Now, there’s a push to go back there. Will America make it back to the moon?

So NASA announced the Orion will be ready to go back to the moon sometime after June 2020. However, it’s first trip won’t be taking human beings with it. Instead, the Space Launch System will send it up there. It will spend six days orbiting the moon, then it will come back to Earth. Then, NASA will study this trip’s success and efficiency before determining if it’s okay to carry men, or women, on the moon. The plan is to carry humans around orbit in 2022. Then, in 2024, get people back on the moon. They’re already going through the proper tests, the equipment I mean, at Lockhead Martin headquarters. Because, by the end of the year, they want to send it all back to Kennedy Space Center in Florida.

This sounds like a great plan. But some, including some in IT service, have doubts of going back to the moon at all. I read an article from a tech journalist who is very skeptical about people going back to the moon by 2024. Keep in mind it’s been 47 years since man went to the moon. We’re talking December 1972. Some argue the cost got too high and the missions got too dangerous. But it’s a different day now. Even people like Sir Richard Branson and Elon Musk want to send civilians to the moon. Then you have those who want to see women walk on the moon in 2024. I want to see women walk on the moon, preferably on that year, if not even sooner. But will it happen? Will America make it back to the moon?

Face App Causes Privacy Concerns

Face App Causes Privacy Concerns

So everybody is using the face app…except me. Many people think it’s cute to change your face to 100 years old. But I just find it creepy. Enough about my shallow opinions. However, Face App causes privacy concerns.

First of all, it’s a Russian startup. Remember that whole Russia 2016 election controversy? Then, there are questionable cloud issues. Over 100 million people use the Face App now. In fact, it’s now the most popular app in the Apple Store. Just keep in mind once Apple and Russian company Wireless Labs gets your face, they got it. They can do whatever they want with it. They can even send it to the Russian government and President Vladimir Putin himself. Or, they can use it to train their AI robots to fund their cause. In fact, once you put anything in the cloud, that licence goes to someone else.

However, Face App doesn’t want you to panic. In fact, they made a list stating why this app is safe. They insist they never transfer any images from a phone to the cloud. But they say the only reason a photo ends up in the cloud is because of performance and traffic reason. They assure us they don’t share the Face App photos with any third party person. Yes, they admit their headquarters are in Russia. However, they claim their data never transfers to Russia.

I’m sorry Face App, but this doesn’t make me feel any better. Face App causes privacy concerns, just like other apps have in the past. In fact, it seems like every other month or so, there seems to be some IT support privacy threat. This month, it seems to be the Face App. I’m not really buying their explanation. Is it worth putting all your pictures in their hands just for a few online likes and laughs? Do your precious photos mean that little?

Elon Musk Wants Your Brain

Elon Musk Wants Your Brain

So Elon Musk is one of the most ambitious geniuses in the IT service world today. First, he wants to put us in driverless cars. Then, he wants us on the moon. But now, Elon Musk wants your brain.

So let me explain. Elon Musk heads a startup company Neuralink. Now, they’re working on threads they can implant in the human brain. Furthermore, with these threads, they want to study, and eventually treat, brain disorders. In fact, Musk believes that we can solve these issues with a chip.

But now, Neuralink would work kinda like a sewing machine. These threads are about half as thin as a human hair. These threads would go deep into a patient’s brain tissue. Then, it can read and write about what is going on in that person’s brain in an in-depth level. Don’t go rushing to your doctor, health care provider or pharmacist yet. Because this dream is a long way from becoming a reality. In fact, this could take many years. But Neuralikn executives are optimistic they can get this in the hands of the medical community and the patients soon. In fact, they’re already testing it on rats. They plan to try this on a handful of humans as early as 2020.

So this is how Elon Musk wants your brain. I have mixed feelings about this one. If they can keep this strictly to treating brain diseases, then I am all for it. If they can treat and even cure such diseases with Neuralink, then give Mr. Musk the Nobel prize! But human beings being human beings, somebody could hijack this patent and turn it into something sinister. What if somebody uses this just to read your mind and invade your privacy? Then, what if they arrest and imprison you just on ‘thought crime’ using this? Remember the movie Minority Report?

Tennis Star Funds Postpartum Care

Tennis Star Funds Postpartum Care

So tennis star Serena Williams is known for many things. But of these, perhaps the most important is mother to a toddler. Her reputation as an entrepreneur also grows. Now, this tennis star funds postpartum care.

Tennis legend Serena Williams teams up with billionaire Mark Cuban to fund Mahmee. This is an IT service and software firm that helps new moms with postpartum care. Because many statistics say the first weeks and months after childbirth can be the toughest for mothers. In fact, around 20% get depression and anxiety during this time. Even Williams herself is very candid about her experience in this article.

Two of the things Mahmee do is connect you to a doctor and maternity coach whenever you need them. It also gives a network of women who are going through the same thing. Then, it connects them with women who went through postpartum care. They also provide patient monitoring. Because they provide more than other postpartum website, they have to charge fees for so many services. Mahmee does have a free option, but other services start at $20 a month. The most expensive is the comprehensive care, which will run a patent $200 a month.

But that’s how this tennis star funds postpartum care and lots of it. Her investment, along with Marc Cuban’s, to Mahmee, is around $3 million. I’ve checked out the Mahmee website. It seems pretty solid and simple to use. It also provides a service in the healthcare industry that doesn’t get as much attention as it should. Look, as a guy, I will never know what it’s like to need postpartum care. So I must make that clear. But the fact that 1 and 5 new moms get depression during this time is a telling sign to me. And I’m happy Mahmee is doing something about it. I’m also happy Serena Williams is using her wealth and fame to do something about it. Would you use Mahmee if you were in need?

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