Is this a real anti-virus program?

Is this a real anti-virus program?

Over in the Computer Geeks office,? one of the more common problems clients ask us to assist them with are phony solicitations for anti-malware programs. When browsing the internet, users encounter bogus virus and spyware alerts that prompt them to input personal information:

  • Credit card #
  • Checking Account #
  • Social security #
  • Address and telephone #

These are more commonly referred to as “Phishing” viruses. Understandably, many of them are concerned about surrendering such sensitive information, worried that it?ll be used for purposes other than facilitating the purchase of software that will protect their system against malware.

Well, they?re right.

Our clients will? happen upon a website that spawns a number of pop-ups alerting them to the presence of viruses and spyware,? ending with a solicitation for the purchase of? non-existent anti-malware software. In response to these pop-ups, users usually attempt to close the windows, resulting in the emergence of even more pop-ups.

One of the more notorious nuisances of this sort is Antivirus 2009. Masked as a legitimate program that removes viruses, this annoyance infects the client?s system with spyware, inundating them with pop-ups that insist that they purchase an ?upgraded? version of software that doesn’t exist.

Similar bugs go by the name of:

  • Winantispyware
  • Antispyware Pro XP
  • Anti-virus Lab 2009

If you?re ever met with one of these pop-ups, do NOT click on anything ? do NOT close the window, click on ?No,? or type in a single field. If you?re taken to another website, do NOT click on any of the links.

Instead, Press CTRL-ALT-DELETE, which will bring up your task manager. When reviewing the list of processes, you will notice one that is linked to your internet browser. Highlight that process and click on ?End task,? a button located at the bottom of your task manager window. This will close your internet browser, including any pop-ups it has spawned.

While the pop-ups are momentarily done away with, simply terminating your internet browser will not completely solve the problem, as the source of the issue remains. If left unaddressed, the spyware will continue to see that you’re harassed by pop-ups each time you use the internet

This is one of many problems we regularly aid our clients with. If you’d like Computer Geeks to clean your computer of these pests, give us call at 800-433-5435!

7 New Years Resolutions to make for your PC

7 New Years Resolutions to make for your PC

New Years Resolutions are everywhere this time of year. Everyone else makes them, but when it comes down to actually doing it, people rarely follow through. Those of us that frequent our local gym, will have it inundated with people for the first month, maybe two,? and then like magic, everyone is gone. So why don’t people just make New Years Resolutions that they can stick to? Things that are easy, and that don’t take a ton of your valuable time. Well, here at Computer Geeks we have compiled a list of New Years Resolutions for all of you to help your PC thrive in 2015! And if your computer and everything on it is fast and safe, then it will save you time, and potentially a lot of money. Without further ado, here is the list


7. Viruses, spyware, malware, adware protection

anti-spyware new years resolution

Listen, most people have anti-virus software because it comes with virtually every computer out there. But do you have Anti-Malware on your PC? How about Anti-spyware? Probably not. Computer Geeks has several solutions to this problem that we can put on your computer, and the best part is that the software is free!

6. Maintenance Checkups

pc cleanup new years resolution

I know, I know, nobody likes to schedule to fix their computer. But checkups are important. So many people who call me up with a dead computer that they haven’t had serviced in 5 years. What if you didn’t take your child to get a check up for 5 years? Sounds outrageous right? Same thing with your computer. That could be all of your family memories on that computer, or your entire business database, gone because you didn’t see a problem coming. A computer should get a thorough cleaning and tune up every 3 months to keep performance optimal. Simple checkups can increase the average computer life span by up to 4 years. Computer Geeks can set you up on scheduled maintenance calls for the entire year, all at once! And you can always reschedule at no cost if something comes up!

5. Use Better Passwords on your computer

password new years resolution

I’m sure your dog is cute, and is a great companion, but he’s a BAD password. Most hackers who get into your computer can find personal information, like your pets name. And when they go to steal your email address, or your bank account info, you might as well have not even set a password. You want there to be 3 variables to your password, a capital letter, lowercase letter, and numbers, but please don’t just do R4m35eS, they’ll try that too. Combine two things to make your password unguessable, like your dog and your birth year backwards. My birth year is 1982 so my password could be this: S2e8se9ma1R, now that’s a password! (FYI that’s not my password)

4. Archive your old emails


For you outlook users, your inbox/outbox for your email can look like the warehouse from Indiana Jones. Filled with so many items that you’ll never find anything. Outlook has an auto-archive function that will archive anything that is older than a certain amount of time, that you can dictate. Set it once, and then forget about it! The best part is that if you need to view the archive emails, they will still show up when you use the Outlook Search feature.

3. Watch what you post on social media

social media new years resolution

Listen, we’ve all done it, had a bad day at work and then go home and blow up Facebook about how much your boss’ management style reflects that of Adolf Hitler. The problem is, when you go to leave Hitler’s company, your new potential employer is more than likely going to find you on Facebook before he hires you, so he can see what he may be getting himself into. Be careful what you post online, there is no escaping something once its on there…

2. Be careful where you surf on the web


Seriously, this should be self explanatory. Don’t go to a site that you don’ t know what it is. And if you do go to a bad site and pop-ups and people saying you have viruses comes up, CALL GEEK CHOICE FAST!? Once a virus is on a computer the longer it sits there the more damage it can do. Turn the PC off, and give us a call 800-433-5435.


This last one is so simple, so important, but almost always not done. People think backups take up a lot of their time, or that they are expensive. But Computer Geeks is here to tell you they are neither, they are just lifesavers. 10 times a week some poor soul wanders into my office telling me their hard drive is dead, and they’re whole life was on it. I ask if they have a backup, and they give me the frowney face. Backups are really cheap, and for the most part can be set up 1 time, to perform backup either daily, weekly, monthly or ever quarterly. And you can set the backup to occur at 3AM while you sleep, so you never have to deal with it! Computer Geeks can get you on a yearly backup plan for UNLIMITED DATA at only 59.95! Just give us a buzz and Computer Geeks can help


We hope you have enjoyed our New Years resolution blog, feel free to follow us on Twitter @geekchoice, and like us on Facebook Here to get all of our daily blogs to keep you updated with everything technology from cell phones, gaming systems, to computer tips and hints!

Merry Christmas To All from Computer Geeks!

Merry Christmas To All from Computer Geeks!

Computer Geeks would like to take this time to wish all of you and your families a Merry Christmas! We hope all is well and everyone stays safe this holiday. Lets hope that Santa was nice and got you a fancy new tech gadget, or a new computer! If you are having any issues with your new technology device feel free to call us. Our call center is open all day today and we are available for service calls starting Friday the 26th!

We’d also like to thank all of you out there that have supported our business and our staff throughout the years that you have been great, loyal customers. It has been an honor and a privilege servicing the Beacon Hill and Boston community every day for the last 18 years! We look forward to a great new year in 2015, but for now, let me summarize some of the new, and old services Computer Geeks can provide for you


Smartphone/Tablet screen repair

Broken Laptop Screen Repair

Data Recovery

Liquid Damage on Laptop

Website Design

New Computer Sales (we can still get you windows 7 machines!!)

Dentrix Support

Virus Removals

Malware/ Spyware removal

Network Issues

Blue Screen’s

New Computer Setup

Email Issues

And Much more!

Could Iran Hack The US

Could Iran Hack The US

There has been news stories of American online infrastructure being the target of hacks from Russia, China, even North Korea. We might need to add another nation to the list. Could Iran hack the US?

That’s the FBI’s concern. They’re telling Americans to be alert for sophisticated Iranian hack attacks targeting defense contracting, energy companies and education facilities. This has been revealed by a FBI ‘Flash’ report. The report gives great details about malware and other techniques they plan to use and ways businesses can counter these attacks. Cyber experts and the Feds are also alarmed at the scope and determination this hacking campaign can be. The potential attacks and chatter are traced to two IP addresses in Iran. There is no hard evidence the Iranian government had anything to do with this, but it is widely speculated they are involved.Of course, Tehran is denying the allegations. ?Anyone who has been hacked is urged to contact the FBI.

Remember when I said you can’t trust North Korea as far as you can throw them: You can’t trust the Iran government or leadership as far as you can shove them. We’re talking about Iran here: a nation ruled by sociopaths and psychopaths who call for the destruction of whole countries. Would you put it past people like that to shut down businesses? Plus, it’s been said that our power and technology infrastructure is well overdue for a makeover. Why isn’t anything being done about this or said about this? If we can spend taxpayer money to build colonies on Mars, surely we can protect our government and private businesses from threats like international hacking. The next time this administration tries to meet and patch things up with Iran, maybe they should talk to them about this hacking threat. What should and must be done?

Introducing Gizmo Pal

Introducing Gizmo Pal

Do you think a smartwatch is just for recreation, fitness, apps, or bragging rights? You would be wrong. This device is being used to track down children…or anyone else, for that matter.

Here I am introducing Gizmo Pal. Gizmo Pal can be worn on a child’s wrist. It’s geared toward children as young as four. And you can track your children at all times, as long as they’re wearing the device. It works as a phone, walky-talky and GPS system, all on one cellular network. ?You call your child with one button and if he/she doesn’t answer, you can send a stern PA message through the Gizmo Pal. One morning show demonstrated how this works. They sent one of their producers to an undisclosed location in New York City. The tracker said he was in Columbus Circle, and that’s exactly where the producer was. He had the Gizmo Pal on his wrist. You can track your child all over the US and you can get a plan for as little as $5 a month. This devices come in blue for boys and pink for girls.

On the surface, Gizmo Pal is a good thing. Parents want to know if they’re kids are safe, and if they’re doing the right thing, so Gizmo Pal can help out with that. But where will it end? If you give people an inch, they will take the whole road, forget the mile. What’s next? Are jealous wives going to track husbands with the thing? Are overzealous boyfriends going to put this on girlfriends during every girls’ night out? It’s crazy enough employers are firing or refusing to hire employees for social media posts. Could they use Gizmo Pal to track employees 24 hours a day to tighten that grip? Whose to say kids won’t take it off as soon as they hit the streets? I know parents are concerned about ?what their kids are doing. But for decades, even centuries, didn’t neighborhood watch, not to mention parent/child dialogue, and discipline, keep them in line? Are you concerned with what Gizmo Pal can turn into?



North Korea Denies…Sort Of

North Korea Denies…Sort Of

It’s probably the story of the week: Sony’s movie house was hacked, just in time for the Christmas season movie releases. Coincidentally, it was hacked just as a movie called The Interview is getting press.

This movie is a blatant spoof of North Korean dictator Kim Jung Un. But North Korea denies they had anything to do with any hack…sort of. But they’re sure not sympathetic toward Sony. They even called it a ‘righteous deed’ and said some…ahem…sympathizers may have been inspired to do damage. A statement by the Korean Central News Agency says they believe the film was instigating a terrorist act at a time when US and North Korea relations are already hostile. This news agency warned more hacks to come and, “The righteous reaction will get stronger to smash the evil doings.” Other movies hacked include ‘Annie’ and ‘Fury’, allowing them to be seen for free even before their release date. The Interview is still scheduled for release Christmas Day 2014.

First off, you can’t trust a thing North Korea says. Not one thing! This is the same oppressive government that tells their people, “Everything is going to be all right,” when in reality, they’re literally starving to death. And even by their own statement, they seem a little too giddy at Sony’s misfortune. It sounds like they’re backing these hackers so much they have a certain relationship with them. Their statement even commands the hackers to do such deeds in the future. No, I’m not buying North Korea’s claim they had nothing to do with it. At best, they may have sympathizers around the world (I don’t know why) who carried out the hack, and were inspired by North Korea’s communist regime to carry out the malicious attack. At worst, they’re flat out lying and this dictatorial regime did the whole thing themselves. How far deep do you think North Korea is involved?

Computer Geeks Now Offers No-Contact Service
We offer two types of service: 1) Online remote 2) No-Contact at your Curb Service