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Celebrity Almost Shoots Amazon Employee.

Celebrity Almost Shoots Amazon Employee.

So being in delivery can be dangerous in any situation, from food to IT service. But try being a deliverer at night with no uniform. It could have cost somebody his life. A celebrity almost shoots Amazon employee. That rapper is hip-hop legend and actor Ice-T. On...

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The Chelsea Manning Drama Continues.

The Chelsea Manning Drama Continues.

So the WikiLeaks drama is a gift that never stops giving. If you want a refresher course, then here it is. One of the main players of this is Chelsea Manning; the Chelsea Manning drama continues. So Manning is back in jail . Let me explain. Back in March, they locked...

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Tencent Promises Technological Good

Tencent Promises Technological Good

So do you remember a report I did about Alibaba? They overwork their employees with little to show for it. Furthermore, CEO Jack Ma likes it this way. But there is another China IT service corporation who wants positive influence. Tencent promises technological good....

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