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Education and IT’s Future

Education and IT’s Future

So, as the 2020 US Presidential election intensifies, one major issue will be education. But unlike previous decades, the focus won't be 'stay in school and pull up those grades'. This time, it will most likely be, "How will I pay for college?". IT support is not...

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The New Ebola Crisis: What can IT Do About It?

The New Ebola Crisis: What can IT Do About It?

So the World Health Organization declared Ebola to be a global health emergency...again. The new Ebola crisis: What can IT support do about it? This started when a man unknowingly bought Ebola to Goma, Congo. Goma is one of Congo's largest cities and is a huge tourist...

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Facebook Messenger Kids’ Error

Facebook Messenger Kids’ Error

So many parents, even in computer repair, get Facebook Messenger Kids. They get it because they can control who gets on their kids' pages. Think of it as a safety precaution. However, even the precaution went wrong. Let's look at this Facebook Messenger Kids' Error....

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