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Epic Year For Epic Games

Epic Year For Epic Games

So as many as you know, we here in computer repair love our video games. But we're not the only ones. Because 2018 is a great year for gaming. In fact, you can say this is an epic year for Epic Games. Yes, I'm talking about the gaming company Epic Games. Epic made...

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IT Support and Nike

So this is an IT service blog, right? Then why am I talking about Nike shoes? Because I for one find IT support and Nike an interesting combination. Some time ago, Nike brought out self-lacing sneakers. However, now they're bringing it back. That's right. With these...

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Amazon Robot Goes Wild: Should This Shock Us?

Amazon Robot Goes Wild: Should This Shock Us?

So we all know AI/robotic technology is the wave of the IT service and tech future. We may not like it, but we can't deny it either. We also know it has severe setbacks; an Amazon warehouse is finding that out the hard way. Amazon robot goes wild: Should this shock...

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