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What Do We Do About Cyberbullying?

What Do We Do About Cyberbullying?

So yesterday, I got a response from a Computer Geeks blog follower. She included an article in which she wrote about one of the biggest ills facing this young generation (Gen-Z). That ill is cyberbullying. The article asks: What do we do about cyberbullying? First, she...

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Is AI Helpful, Annoying or Both?

Is AI Helpful, Annoying or Both?

So while grocery shopping last week, I saw an AI robot cleaning floors, and serving as...ahem...'security'. Basically, that means it watched everything I do and bought. It was a strange experience, but not a shocking one. Then I read this article on Tech Crunch. So it...

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What’s Going On With Power Outages?

What’s Going On With Power Outages?

So you know I try to keep this blog all about tech. But this one may be or not be. In a way it is. Because if power goes off, then how will you use your tech devices? What's going on with power outages? So first, let's talk about Target. It's one of America's largest...

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Is Huawei Dead?

Is Huawei Dead?

So I know what some of you are going to say. Why are you talking about Huawei again? Because it's what so many in business and IT support talk about. In fact, someone posted a looming question. Is Huawei dead? So I just say a Yahoo podcast. They interviewed Chinese...

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Salesforce Buys Out Tableau

Salesforce Buys Out Tableau

So we have another major merger to talk about in the IT service world. It's been a while since the last big one. But in the 2019 world, you know one is coming, and it's now here. Salesforce buys out Tableau. Salesforce is a huge, major customer-manager software making...

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