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Can Technology Help You Eat Better?

Can Technology Help You Eat Better?

So more people are dependent on technology and IT support than ever before. People are also trying to eat healthier than ever before. But let's put the two together. Can technology help you eat better? I ask because their is a company they call Farmer's Fridge. One of...

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iPhone XS Max Wins Sell Race. But Why?

iPhone XS Max Wins Sell Race. But Why?

So a couple of weeks ago, Apple introduced a new group of iPhones. The two biggest ones was the iPhone XS Max and the iPhone XS. Though it's more expensive, iPhone XS Max wins sell race. But why? So in polls and pre-sales, the iPhone XS Max seems to be somewhat more...

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They Hacked Cryptocurrency…Again

They Hacked Cryptocurrency…Again

So we hear about how cryptocurrency will be the savior of the future economy. It could be. However, hackers must know it as well. Because they hacked cryptocurrency...again. So this time, Zaif is the victim. Zaif is a Japanese digital exchange company. They are part...

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Google Donates To Hurricane Florence Victims

Google Donates To Hurricane Florence Victims

So by now, we all have seen the footage of Hurricane Florence's devastation. The damage is especially bad in the Carolina's. But IT support companies are stepping up to the plate. Google donates to Hurricane Florence Victims. For some users, they will see a banner on...

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Space X Plans To Take Civilian To The Moon

Space X Plans To Take Civilian To The Moon

So everyone knows about Elon Musk and his Space X program. It's one of the more controversial things going on in IT support today. But now, they stepped it up. Space X plans to take civilian to the moon. Yusaku Maezawa, a billionaire from Japan, will be the first...

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Amazon Go Store Opens In Chicago

Amazon Go Store Opens In Chicago

So Amazon has a new store. But I'm not talking about a new Whole Foods. I'm talking about an Amazon Go store, where there are no cashiers. This is Amazon Go Store opens in Chicago. But wait? Did you say a store without cashiers? That sounds almost as silly as cars...

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Windows 10 Fights Off Competition

Windows 10 Fights Off Competition

So around 10 years ago, Windows/IE was the top website browser. But in the last decade or so, Firefox and Google Chrome took over that role. In fact, over 60% of all Internet users prefer Chrome. Then I read about Windows 10 fights off competition. As many in the...

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