The Daily Routine of Twitter’s CEO

The Daily Routine of Twitter’s CEO

So do you ever wonder what it takes to run a major IT support company? Ever wonder what their day is like, what they eat, what family life is like for them? Well, here is the daily routine of Twitter’s CEO.

So Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey recently went on a podcast called Ben Greenfield’s Diet, Fat Loss, and Performance. He talks about his lifestyle for physical and mental health, and it is NOT traditional or conventional. Dorsey revels he’s big in hydrotherapy. That’s using water to cure all things that ails you, whether it’s steam baths, or water therapy. He also walks to work and fasts from meals…daily. Keep in mind his walk to work includes five miles a day.

That’s because Dorsey sees food strictly as food…at a time when many Americans, myself included, ‘live to eat’. Also, Doresy believes he needs to burn off that fuel. That’s why he only eats one meal a day…dinner. The health community calls this intermittent fasting. He also meditates at least one hour a day twice a day. At a time when many of us sit in front of screens hours a day, Dorsey uses a standing desk in his office. When he gets home, while most of us ‘Netflix and chill’, he journals and wears an Oura ring to track his sleep.

Let me make this clear. And I think Dorsey would agree with me here. This level of living is NOT for everybody. So I’ll just say it…Don’t try this at home! However, Dorsey believes this gives him the energy he needs to run a multi-billion dollar IT service social media platform. I must admit, it must be working out pretty good for him. It doesn’t come without controversy. Some health experts say intermittent fasting can make your body worse not better, because your body needs food all hours of the day. When you intermittent fast, you deny your body that need. But this is the daily routine of Twitter’s CEO. What daily routine gets you thriving…or keeps you sane and surviving the world in 2019?

Walmart Employees: Robots Are Doing Your Job

Walmart Employees: Robots Are Doing Your Job

So back in February 2019, Walmart announced it’s getting rid of all it’s greeters. That’s a shocking move for America’s biggest retail chain. But wait…there’s more. Walmart employees: Robots are doing your job.

So let me be specific. First’, they’re letting IT support things like robots serve as janitors. For example, a fleet of 1,500 Auto-C machines will be cleaning and mopping floors. Because according to Wal-Mart spokespeople, they can clean floors better than humans. They can polish floors better, too. Then there is Auto-S, the robot price check. This army of 300 robots will make sure every item on the floor is in the right place and has the right place.

When I worked in retail, one thing we did was get items off the truck and stock them in their proper places. Apparently, those days are over. Because the robots called ‘FAST Unloader’ will sort and scan the products for you now. I’m guessing they will need human beings to get the stuff off the truck. But I think we all know that will change too, if it hasn’t already. There will be 1,000 of those. They even have 900 Pickup Towers. They will process online orders for you. When you get there, the robot, with little human help, will have it ready for you.

So why are they doing this? Walmart says they want their employees to interact with customers more. Therefore, by letting robots do other jobs for them, they can focus more on customer service. I’m, sorry, but I’m not buying it. They’re already getting rid of greeters. And they’re thousands of them. Now, when these robots take over these other manual tasks, chances are Walmart leadership will say, “Well, if robots can do these things, maybe they can do customer service as well.”. I even know consumers who would welcome this. I even hear a few computer repair customers gripe, “I can’t wait until robots take your jobs!”. Walmart employees: Robots are doing your jobs. Where will this really lead: to better customer interaction or outright annihilation of human robot jobs?

Facebook AI Maps Africa’s Population

Facebook AI Maps Africa’s Population

So, we all know by now that AI can do many things. Some of them good, but some of them scary and even detrimental. However, Facebook came up with an AI use that could help an entire continent. Facebook AI maps Africa’s population.

They have a map that shows where the African continent’s 1.3 billion people live. Not only does it go country by country, but it can pinpoint right down to neighborhood by neighborhood. One reason they’re doing this is to help humanitarian organizations reach out to the places they need the most help. Another reason is to help bring Internet access, especially to places in the continent that have little or no access.

But this system is by no means perfect, and far from it. Yes, it tells you the density of a certain area. But of course, it doesn’t tell you who needs more and who needs less. These AI maps tell you nothing about economies, demographics, and computer literacy. Who needs more IT support and IT service? Who already has it? The Facebook AI teams of actual humans check and double check to weed out regional biases. And some of this AI might be wrong. But so far, very few of it is. Because of every 1,000 buildings it picked up, 996 of them were accurate.

Yes, much needs to be done. But this is a huge step up. At least they know where the people are. This way, teams can get there to help and deliver goods and services quicker and with more accuracy. However, there are lots of things to air out. For example, I didn’t see any roads or highways that led to these places. So how are the teams going to get to these places? And which places are in more need? Which African nation do you start with and which city/town and do you start?

Samsung Galaxy S10 Fingerprint Breach

Samsung Galaxy S10 Fingerprint Breach

So, many people think fingerprint technology guarantees them security on their smartphones. It doesn’t. Look at the Samusung Galaxy S10 fingerprint breach.

So this new smartphone is supposed to lead the world in crypto IT service. Some in the IT support community said this phone is totally hack-proof. But it isn’t. Because according to this telling video, anyone with determination can break into the allegedly super-secure fingerprint scanner. Then, they can get all your ‘crypto’ info, even what’s in your cryptowallet. In fact, all you need is a 3D printer and a pair of gloves to pull this cyber job off.

The man’s video shows he can break into this high-tech system in around 15 minutes. Furthermore, it only took him three tries. He states a 3D print will unlock the phone just as good as the owner’s fingerprint does. Then, anybody can go to town with your Samsung Galaxy 10. This is where the printing gloves come in. Let’s say someone steals the phones. When the thief gets comfortable, they can use the gloves and 3D printer to take your fingerprints and break into your phone with your own fingerprint! The video producer warns about banking apps that demand only your fingerprint.

And if they get your fingerprint and break into your bank account… need I say more. You can virtually kiss your financial security goodbye. That’s just one way the Samsung Galaxy S10 fingerprint breach can wreck your life. So this should be a warning to especially the cryptocurrency makers. Don’t just depend on this revolutionary technology and think you’re invisible. Because clearly, you have work to do. And to consumers who think they can just throw money at the problem, you can’t. Do you really think paying $1,000 for a smartphone will guarantee you safety? Is fingerprint security really any better than password security?

The Bezos’ Divorce Settlement

The Bezos’ Divorce Settlement

So a few months ago, most of media, including us at this computer repair firm, announced Jeff Bezos’ divorce. Now, the results are in. Here is the Bezos’ divorce settlement.

So they filed the petition Thursday. According to a SEC document, the divorce grants MacKenzie Bezos 4% of Amazon. This also includes 25% of Amazon stocks. In cash terms, MacKenzie will get $36 billion. MacKenzie Bezos herself tweeted her satisfaction in the deal. Also in the tweet, she said she’s giving up her interest in the Washington Post and Blue Origin. She also thanks family and friends for their support and looks forward to the next chapter in her life.

According to the filings, the Bezos’ divorce settlement will be official in about 90 days. Furthermore, it says Jeff will have authority of all shares. But of course, MacKenzie will have equal authority of her 25%. How are Amazon stocks taking this news? Apparently, it’s going pretty good. Yes, they lost some ground after the divorce announcement. The other shareholders didn’t know where this was headed. But since this turned out to be more civil than many thought, stocks are going up. In fact, as of 11:30am Friday, April 5, 2019, stocks gained 12 points in just this day alone.

I am proud of Jeff and MacKenzie of how they handled their divorce. I know I made comments like, “Wait until his soon to be ex-wife gets through with him”. But now, I take that back. They settled this thing with peace and dignity. And yes, Jeff Bezos is still in the centi-billionaire club with Bill Gates. And of course, MacKenzie came out of this doing very well. I was cynical at first because we all know of stories, from IT support billionaires to Hollywood celebrities, where it got very dirty and messy. But thank goodness, the Amazon story didn’t end up like that. How will this further affect the Amazon empire?

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