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Brian Acton Tweets ‘Delete Facebook’.

Brian Acton Tweets ‘Delete Facebook’.

So let's go back to 2014. Yes, a lot of things happened on the IT support and computer repair front. But one event was Facebook acquiring What's App for $22 billion. Brian Acton founded What's App. But now, Brian Acton tweets 'Delete Facebook'. However, there is more...

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US vs Russia Cyber Warfare Continues

US vs Russia Cyber Warfare Continues

So, I thought the Cold War ended in 1989. But apparently, it's heating up again. Have you read some of the headlines over the past month or so? As US vs Russia cyber warfare continues. So now, US officials say they found malware in computer systems we need for...

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Andrew Yang Wants to Save Us From Robots

Andrew Yang Wants to Save Us From Robots

So, ever hear of Andrew Yang? He is a IT service venture capitalist. In fact, he founded Venture of America. Furthermore, he wrote books like 'The War of Normal People". In this book, he talks about America's jobs going away. They're not going to other countries, but...

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Facebook and Myanmar Crisis and Falsehood

Facebook and Myanmar Crisis and Falsehood

So the small nation on Myanmar is in crisis. It will take this whole page to explain, but here is a link that tells it. The photos and articles are heartbreaking. But what does this have to do with IT service? Some accuse social media sites of pumping up the hatred....

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