Are Smart Devices Too Smart? Some Say Yes.
So I'm still thinking about that SimpliSafe Super Bowl 53 commercial. You know, the one that scares us to death, then says our only hope is more surveillance IT service. Then I read an article that asks a good question. Are smart devices too smart? So did you know...
UK Government Supports Driverless Cars
So we all know one of the next big thins in IT service is the driverless car. In America, IT support corporations and tech billionaires are working on it. But what about world government? Well, the UK government supports driverless cars. So they will back up trials of...
Teenager Finds Apple Bug: Will Apple Treat Him Right?
So someone found a privacy flaw in Apple's system. Because on Apple's Face Time app, this flaw lets others here other people's iPhone. Furthermore, these 'others' could be people who never called you, total strangers. But the young man who found the flaw isn't an...
Tech Super Bowl 53 Commercials: What’s Your Favorite
So we celebrated another Super Bowl last night. Since our computer repair headquarters are in Boston, then you know we really celebrated (Go Patriots!). But what about the commercials? I read an article that graded them. I have mixed feelings, but here are Super Bowl...
Does Laying Off Facebook Make Us Happier?
So in January, some people took the Dry January challenge. People agreed to quit alcohol for one month for various reasons. But what does this have to do with IT support and tech? Because maybe we should do a Facebook-free February challenge. Does laying off Facebook...
Microsoft’s Super Bowl Ad: Who’s Cutting Onions In Here?
So back in the day, we waited until the Super Bowl to watch Super Bowl ads. But social media changes that. Because now, we can see the whole commercial before the intended debut. However, one gets to me. Microsoft's Super Bowl ad: Who's cutting onions in here? So in...
China Criticizes Big Tech Over Taiwan
So many of you know of increasing tensions between China and Taiwan. If not, then here is a link to explain it all. But it's not just Taiwan who is on China's hate list. China criticizes big tech over Taiwan. So China is angry at?IT support's biggest names (Apple,...
Security Alert: Word Press Plugin Leaks Access Tokens
So WordPress, the popular blogging forum, has a plugin. A plugin is something you can add to any IT support system to make it better. But one plugin suffers a severe setback. This is a security alert: Word Press plugin leaks access tokens. So the name of the plugin is...
Facebook Releases Political Ad Checks
So since 2016, Facebook keeps getting in hot water over 'fake news'. In fact, it's been one scandal after another. Is this why Facebook releases political ad checks? Facebook launches 'election security'. This means they'll check on political advertisements to see if...
Breaking News: Netflix Raises It’s Prices
So this one is hot off the press. We all know Netflix is one of the biggest streaming services of all-time. But this morning, they made quite the announcement. Breaking news: Netflix raises it's prices. So these prices go up for the first time since 2010. From now on,...