So, one of IT service and tech’s biggest stars is Elon Musk. The Tesla CEO’s submarine helped save a Thailand soccer team in 2018. He also wants to build colonies on Mars and the moon. But he wants to do more. Will Elon Musk build a flying car?
So according to Musk’s own Twitter feed, he’s proposing a flying car be out by 2022. It’s similar to the Delorean. Some of you might remember that flying car from Back to the Future 2. To quote Musk himself, “The new Roadstar will actually do something like this”. Then he shows the GIF of the Delorean.
However, many think this is a joke. Again, according to his Twitter feed, he really wants to build this flying car. In fact, he even gives details. It will use a Space X cold gas system. Then, the system will have high pressure air in a vessel. This vessel will be in the back seats of this car. So sorry, this flying car won’t be a 4, 5 or 6 person venture. It will be two at the most. For now, that’s all much of the IT support community and the public know. But the fact he’s using Space X technology, which literally sends things out of space, should tell us something about this potential flying car.
However, Musk talks about potential new projects often. Some of them happen. But some of them don’t. The Cave 3 submarine happen. And it saved the lives of children. However, he talks about an electric pick-up truck. On the surface, that sounds a lot easier to build than a flying car. Yet, he said it will have big progress in 2018. But we hear nothing else about it. But look at what he did with space exploration and travel just over the last few years. He deserves a Nobel Prize for his work in space. But will Elon Musk Build A flying car?
So classic arcade games are making a comeback. These games range from Pac-Man to Mike Tyson’s Punch Out. But what about the original video game, Pong? Is Pong making a comeback? This is a CES update.
So Universal Space showed off their modern day Pong ant the CES tech conference. Maybe I shouldn’t call it modern day. Because from what I’m seeing, it’s still more 1975 than 2019. I say this because this Pong is a heavy, bulky table-style machine, just like they used in the 1970s and ’80s. But instead of joysticks, they use magnets as controls. Okay, there are a few buttons too.
So here’s how it works. There is a square ball in the center. Then there are paddles the size of rectangles on each side. One player is on one side, and the other is on the opposite side. You control the paddles by controlling the magnets. The game starts off slow but gets faster and faster. You score every time you strike the ball coming your way. Your orange button fires back at your opponent. This game can go on and on. Furthermore, you can use the one player option, playing against the game itself. But this one is more fun with two.
I know this game sounds a lot like the 1970s game, doesn’t it? However, the price sounds all too 2010s. You will pay about $3,000 for this table top game piece. Or, you can buy an arcade style version of Pong for $1,500. For those born after 1990, sorry, but I don’t have time to explain what ‘arcade style’ gaming is. But I do know CES is like the promise land for IT service heads and computer tech addicts alike. So of course we’ll see games like this. Yes, arcade games are coming back. However, nobody wants to let their modern day games go either. And who is going to pay $1,500-$3,000 for this? Is Pong making a comeback?
So yes, the super rich do have problems. Just ask Amazon CEO, multi-billionaire, and IT support mogul Jeff Bezos. Yesterday, media announced Jeff Bezos and his wife MacKenzie will divorce after 25 years of marriage. Furthermore, this announcement came from the Bezos’ themselves. The Jeff Bezos divorce: What does this mean for us?
So the two met in the early 1990s, at a New York City hedge fund firm. In 1993, they married and moved to Seattle, where they went on to build the Amazon empire from scratch. Eventually, they had four children. However, they had a period of, “…loving exploration and trial separation…”. This is quoting their tweet. Also, according to some media reports, Bezos is seeing? TV icon Lauren Sanchez (who is also married).
MacKenzie played a big role in building Amazon in the early days. Jeff himself said that over and over. But after they got super rich, her role got smaller. Friends say this was her choice because she wanted privacy for herself and the kids. Keep in mind Bezos is worth $137 billion. In addition to owning all things Amazon, he also owns the Washington Post and Blue Origin, a private aerospace company. The Jeff Bezos divorce: What does this mean for us?
So far, Amazon stocks are being pretty chill with this news. Furthermore, Washington state law requires 30 days of ‘cooling off’ before divorce proceedings. After that, it could mean MacKenzie could get almost $70 billion. It could also means she could get some control of Amazon and Bezos’ other companies. It’s way too early to speculate anything. However, we can look at other divorces in IT support’s billionaire’s row. For example, Google and Oracle was left pretty much unchanged after their co-founders went through a divorce. I just hope Jeff and MacKenzie Bezos can keep the divorce civil, friendly, fair,and? clean. They should keep in mind they have over 566,000 employees to think about, That’s 566,000 jobs, careers, livelihoods and families in America and around the world. Obviously, they have their kids to think about as well. How will this turn out? Should this even be tech news?
So the CES Conference in Las Vegas is in full swing now. The Consumer Technology Association sponsors it. Many people are looking to many things, but I think one device will stir things up. It’s a cell phone that folds. The folding smartphone is here.
So a Chinese IT service company they call Royale took the CES stage. They revealed their FlexPai. Not only did they show it off, but they let the tech media and the public play with it for a while. However, we don’t know whether to call it a phone or tablet. That’s because it’s 7.8 inches.
But you can fold the AMOLED display in half, literally. Well, there is a small gap between the two halves. When you do fold the phone in half, it’s smaller than the average smartphone (about 3.9 inches). Yes, it does work when you do fold it. All your stuff will move to one side of the phone, apps, emails, texts, and all. It runs on Android (ha ha, Apple!) software, and has all the features you should expect from an expensive smartphone/tablet. It better. Because FlexPai’s Royale will run you an average $1,300 in the US. There are other phone makers trying to build the smartphone, like Samsung.
However, FlexPai beat them to it. Yes, the folding smartphone is here. Here comes the real question: Will it sell? Royale seems to be banking on it. Because later in this conference, they plan to show a video displaying their folding smartphone. There’s also a debate whether to go on their own or team up with others in the IT support world. If they were smart, then they would team up with other tech corporations. Most of today’s tech is controlled by three or four major tech corporations: Amazon, Apple, Google, Microsoft. In a world like that, you can’t afford to go at it alone. It would be foolish for Royale to do so. But the question is: Who would join them on their folding smartphone quest?
So Neofect is a company that helps people going through physical rehab. They come out with products, many of them tech based, that helps people dealing with crippling injuries and illnesses. But one product could be a huge game changer for many. Neofect releases IT support glove.
So they call the name of this glove NeoMano. It’s a smart device that people can wear on their hand just like a glove. It helps give people dealing with paralysis in their hands and arms feeling in their arms again. This includes people fighting brain and muscular diseases like ALS and MS. It also helps people recovering from strokes and car accidents, among other health crises. Some of the things it helps patients do include feeding themselves and turning on lights and appliances.
So how does it work? Imagine a pulley that depends on AAA batteries. Then imagine that pulley controlling the glove. Yes, the glove runs on this pulley that is run on a AAA battery. I’m guessing they’re not going to include the battery, but you can get one at any store. However, it does come with a Bluetooth controller. This patient holds the controller with the other hand just for that purpose. They say the NeoMano will be out this June. They also say it will cost patients around $2,000.
But it’s already getting great support. They showed it off at the CES last year and it got rave reviews. It also raised more venture capital than Neofect planned for. Neofect releases IT support glove, and it sounds like it’s in the right direction, except for the price. Yes, I know Neofect has to cover their costs and make a profit. However, I feel most people who really needs NeoMano will probably not be able to afford it out of pocket. So I’m hoping Neofect can negotiate with doctors and insurance companies. Together, they can come up with a way to get this in the hands of the patients that really need it. If they can do this, then everyone can come out winners: Neofect, the health care providers, and the patients. Is that too much to ask?