Face 8 Conference: Announcements and Expectations

Face 8 Conference: Announcements and Expectations

So Facebook is having their Face 8 conference in San Jose. That's quite a feat for Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg. I say that because not long ago, Congress grilled him in Washington. But let's look at this Face 8 conference: announcements and expectations. So the first...

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Amazon Comes to Boston; Adds Jobs

Amazon Comes to Boston; Adds Jobs

So do you still wonder where Amazon will put their second headquarters? I? know Boston is in the running, but Boston will benefit from Amazon already...at least on paper. Amazon comes to Boston, and adds jobs. In fact, Amazon leaders say they will add 2,000 jobs to...

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Burning Man’s Larry Harvey Passes Away

Burning Man’s Larry Harvey Passes Away

So Burning Man's Larry Harvey passes away. He was 70 years old. But what does this Burning Man concert promoter has to do with IT service and technology? More than we think. Because relations between Silicon Valley and Black Rock City is closer than we think. Burning...

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UK Surveillance Fail: UK Citizens Fight Back

UK Surveillance Fail: UK Citizens Fight Back

So you think the surveillance industry in the USA is bad? Okay, it is, but we got nothing on the UK. For example, they're making government workers, including school teachers, wear body cameras. There might be hope. UK Surveillance fail: UK citizens fight back. So...

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The New G-Mail: Self-Destructing Messages and More

The New G-Mail: Self-Destructing Messages and More

Do you use Google Mail? If you do, then get ready for some major changes. The new G-Mail: Self-destructing messages and more. So not only does the new G-Mail have new services, they have new designs. Now, you can take actions like archive, trash, and mark fresh from...

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Is Netflix In Debt? This Is Hard To Believe.

Is Netflix In Debt? This Is Hard To Believe.

So in the early 2000s, hardly anybody heard of Netflix. They were some mail-in company you got videos from when you were too lazy to go to the video store. But now, it's an IT service entertainment monster, worth around $100 billion. However, there still seems to be...

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Amazon Robots: Will They Run Our Home?

Amazon Robots: Will They Run Our Home?

So now, Amazon is in a? lot of things. They're taking over retail, groceries, and voice IT service. Then I read about Amazon robots. Will they run our home? I say this because according to many in tech media, Amazon is working on a home robot. They're calling it...

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Survey Monkey Starts A Silicon Valley Movement

Survey Monkey Starts A Silicon Valley Movement

So one of the biggest issues Silicon Valley has is wealth inequality. On one hand, you have tech billionaires eating good. But on the other hand, even people making $100,000 a year struggle to eat and pay rent. However, one company fights that. Survey Monkey starts a...

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Computer Geeks Now Offers No-Contact Service
We offer two types of service: 1) Online remote 2) No-Contact at your Curb Service