Android Bug Can Reveal Text Messages

Android Bug Can Reveal Text Messages

So who remembers the Apple iPhone January 1 1970 bug? How bizarre. But now, I read about a bug hitting up Android/Google smartphones. Furthermore, this Android bug can reveal text messages. They name this bug ''. Yes, you have to spell it with two periods...

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New North Korean Malware: Consumer Alert

New North Korean Malware: Consumer Alert

So do you remember the 2014 movie The Interview? It caused so much controversy they had to take it off many theaters. In fact, NK dictator Kim Jung Un threaten havoc. But four years later, they're still retaking havoc. This is the new North Korean malware: consumer...

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Top Businesses are Tech: Guess Where Two Are From?

Top Businesses are Tech: Guess Where Two Are From?

So we all know how critical IT service and online technologies are to today's world. But you may not know where some of these companies come from. Top businesses are tech: Guess where two are from? So let's get the more obvious out of the way. Maybe it's not so...

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Android Unknowingly Ships Low Cost Phones

Android Unknowingly Ships Low Cost Phones

So did Android recently ship a smartphone to you? Then you better go and check it. This isn't a riddle or joke, but this is a consumer alert. Android unknowingly ships low cost phones. So according to Avast, these low cost shipped phones have a malware they call...

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The 2018 Email Virus: This Is A Security Alert

The 2018 Email Virus: This Is A Security Alert

So any good IT service person should warn you if something harmful is coming. Just like any travel guide should warn you of bad neighborhoods and places. So something harmful is coming. In fact, it's already here. The 2018 email virus: this is a security alert. In the...

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Comcast Leaks Router Information: What To Know

Comcast Leaks Router Information: What To Know

So year after year, Americans...ahem...salute Comcast as one of the most hated companies in the country. In fact, many hated companies on the list are IT service companies. But that's another subject. Comcast's latest crisis won't win them any popularity points....

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