Can Microsoft End DMV Trips?

You have to go to the DMV. It’s hardly a fun experience. For some, getting a root canal or prostate exam is more enjoyable. There could be hope. Can Microsoft end DMV trips?

In India, Microsoft is working to hook up Skype with India’s Aadhar system. Keep in mind India’s population is well over a billion. They’re trying to connect a national ID database with Skype and other video services. On one hand, it would save you a trip to the often dreaded DMV. It could cut down on that often hour plus line and save precious time. But there are privacy issues in question because the whole national ID database is more accessible. First, a person’s ID account number (India’s SSN) is linked to their Skype account. When they Skype the DMV, the agent checks the ID number to see if they’re dealing with the right individual. That’s how licences, permits, registrations, and other DMV business can be done without a person even going to DMV headquarters. Fingerprints and facial scanners can be used to protect the customers’ ID. This program is just in it’s infancy, but over 75% of India’s population is already enrolled, all voluntarily . Maybe they’re onto something.

Such visits can be a pain here in the US. So imagine a nation with 1.3 billion people a third of America’s size. Now imagine what a nightmare the DMV can spiral into over there. You thought lines were long in your town. I understand why most of India’s population would enroll in this service. I am a little concerned with the privacy issue, and they better do a really good job to make sure this system, and the people, are protected. All it takes is one thief and one hack to cause chaos for everyone. Can a system like this work in the USA? Would it be welcomed?

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