Another Apple Uh-Oh

Did you ever have to give a presentation on the job that turned into a major uh-oh? It can cause major embarrassment and then some. Apple gave one Florida web/app developer a huge uh-oh.

Ngen Works is a software and app development company in Jacksonville, FL, led by Carl Smith. According to a blog post found in (the blog’s language is fairly graphic, so it may not be appropriate reading for the little ones), one of Smith’s apps was sent to Apple for review and approval. But Smith was soon notified the app could be used to search for hardcore porn, a strict no-no in Apple’s policy. However, when an Apple employee sent a replying email with an attachment, that attachment included a man touching himself inappropriately. There was no warning, no red flag, nothing. Naturally, Carl Smith is outraged. That’s what inspired to write the blog post, in hopes that Apple management, the higher the better, will respond to the issue. Personally, I can’t wait for Apple’s response.

I’m going to play innocent and naive and just assume this was just a terrible mistake by one Apple employee. But if just find it ironic, to say the least, that Apple has such a strict anti-pornography policy, only for this to happen under their watch. Apple needs to address this and address it immediately before it happens again. Carl Smith is taking the right action here, except he could have used more dignified language to do so. This mishap comes just weeks after the celebrity nude photo hacking scandal, which also pointed back to an Apple fumble. It’s another Apple uh-oh, and how many more of these can they afford to have?


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