So around 10 years ago, Windows/IE was the top website browser. But in the last decade or so, Firefox and Google Chrome took over that role. In fact, over 60% of all Internet users prefer Chrome. Then I read about Windows 10 fights off competition.
As many in the computer repair and IT service industry know, Windows 10 will come out with their October 2018 Update. However, something catches the eye of experts. When somebody gets to a rival browser, a message comes up saying, “You already have Microsoft Edge-the safer, faster browser for Windows 10. But there’s more. It gives you a choice to ‘Open Microsoft Edge’ or ‘Install Anyway’. At the screen bottom, it said. “Don’t be warned in the future? Open Settings>”. What does this mean?
It means that if somebody sees something is ‘unsafe’ then they’ll heed that warning. Cyber crimes and hacking over the years conditioned us to think that way. So that means the user will continue to use Microsoft Edge as their main browser. That also means they’ll cut of their competition, Firefox and Chrome, because of this warning. Some may just ignore it. But think about how much anxiety there is in the computer world nowadays. Is this how Windows 10 fights off competition?
Now that they exposed this, they won’t be able to. Because now, they’re not going to include this in the Windows 10 October 2018 update. Let’s hope it stays that way. Because I must confess, this sounds more like a bully tactic than anything else. Yes, the goal of any company is to make a profit, and make a better one than your competition. And yes, commercials and politicians often exploit their competition’s weakness to make themselves look better. That’s the nature of things. But to suggest somebody’s computer may be hit with viruses or worse, that’s a little below the belt. How should?Windows 10 compete?