Walmart and Electrode Native: Walmart’s Tech Race

I don’t like Walmart. Because I don’t like how they bullied so many small businesses out of jobs. But I got to show some respect for Walmart, especially their rise in IT support. This is Walmart and Electrode Native: Walmart’s tech race.

But first, let’s start with React Native. It is Facebook’s creation for creating apps in JavaScript. They created this tool to be make app building easier. Also, React Native is a third party that you can use in native apps. So where do Walmart and Electrode Native fit in this narritive?

First of all, it will help bring React Native to native apps on Apple and Android products. Furthermore, this includes the Walmart app. That is what Electrode Native does. It lets mega companies like Walmart take codes from their old apps. Then, they can mix the codes into React Native. But before this, they had to rewrite the whole code, or do major changes to them. But now, developers can write code once. Then, React Native can update the code without using a new version of the old app.

So back to Walmart and Electrode Native. Walmart app developers tested this out on the shopping cart mobile app. So far, so good. Then, they changed the Thank You page. It’s now in the checkout page. So when some peoplt think of Walmart, I know a lot of stereotypes come to mind. Don’t let them fool you. Amazon is getting really good in computer servicing. Well on their end, as far as coding and software. So I do respect them there. They know they need to do it, too. If they’re going to compete with Amazon, Ebay, and other online conglomerates, they need the best software techs and software developers they can get. Will Walmart and Electrode Native help them in this race? And will it encourage you to buy from Walmart?

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