Christmas time brings the best in people. But?criminal activity is out there. In computer servicing and computer repair, we see it constantly. So I post out a consumer alert: Is your router safe?
I say this because I read a disturbing report from Netgear. They found a major weakness in certain routers. Such router weaknesses can open the door to hackers. Furthermore, these hackers can take over your router network. Then, they can expose and exploit sensitive data. Software security organization CERT confirmed this grim reality. Then they gave a list of Negear routers to watch out for. The router I call out might be yours.
Routers include R800, R700, and R6400 are definitely venerable. They’re not yet sure about models like R7000P, R7800, R8500, or R9000. This is all according to CERT. But CERT is a major leader and major player in software security. And it’s easy for a hacker to hit you. They get you to click on a malicious link. That bad link instructs your router. Then, the commands let these malicious instructions corrupt your router’s security. Furthermore, this gives hackers access to local networks and everything that comes through it.
In conclusion, I applaud CERT and Netflix for reporting this. Netgear also suggests you update your router. Update your router sooner rather than later. In fact, they say you should get beta software ASAP. Then update the product firmware whenever you can. Anyone in the IT support industry had dealt with routers. We here at Computer Geeks can lead you in the right direction when it comes to the best and secure routers. And we keep up with these dangers to help keep your system safe. Christmas is an awful time for hackers to?get to your router. So keep your?router safe. Do you think the bad guys care about holidays?