Ransomware Is Back: It Never Really Left

There’s a bad rabbit running loose. I ain’t talking about Bugs Bunny either. So there? is a ransomware they call Bad Rabbit. Ramsomware is back: But it never really left.

Early this week, Kaspersky Labs said there are around 200 cases of the Bad Rabbit virus. These cases are all in Turkey, Germany, Russia, and Ukraine. Kapersky and other cyber security groups also say hackers used a fake Adobe Flash update. So the first victim was Russian media. Then Bad Rabbit moved to Ukraine’s Odyssey Airport, that country’s largest airport. They also attacked Ukraine’s ground transit systems. Yes, police say the Bad Rabbit virus is the main suspect.

So far, the ransomware hit Germany and Turkey too. But the impact was far less severe. However, The Russian Central Bank said they recorded Bad Rabbit ransomware on some of their franchises. But thankfully, no bank, or customer, was compromised. This virus demands 0.5 Bitcoin. That’s almost $300 in cash. And if the victim doesn’t pay on their time, then the ransom goes up.? Furthermore, one researcher put up a telling picture. His picture shows the virus creating tasks in Windows, using Game of Thrones character names as aliases. So far, Bad Rabbit affected nobody in the USA. Obviously, nobody came to our computer service shop about this.

But in computer repair, we see this too many times. So we all need to be on our guard. Let’s not forget all we saw in 2017 so far. First, there was WannaCry. Then, there was Petya. Yes, Ransomware is back. But then again, it never left. Now for my other question: Who is responsible this time? We never got any real answers about who did it. Many suggest North Korea. That is very plausible. Look at the tensions between us and N. Korea, and the world for that matter? Could they do it? Or was it another nation, or was it somebody else?

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