Late yesterday, October 25, 2013, the National Security Agency website crashed. It lasted a few hours. Whose to blame?
The NSA blames a glitch and internal error. In an email, the government agency said, “? was not accessible for several hours tonight because of an internal error that occurred during a scheduled update.” But some claim different. Hacktivists groups have claimed responsibily for the crash. One group said they used a DDoS attack to bring it down. DDos attacks pump a website with so much stuff from traffic to spam that eventually that sites is overwhelmed and forced to shut down.
Keep in mind the mass controversy the NSA has been in lately. A few months ago, secrets reveled by former agent Edward Snowden claim the NSA was listening to our smartphones and watching what we do on our computers. So I can see why someone wants to take credit for this. I know about as little as everybody else; it’s one group’s word against another. Now there’s news international relations have been strained because of surveillance spying on international governments such as Germany and the European Union, never mind what’s been happening in our own nation.? This reminds me of that. So who and what brought town the NSA?