The Internet, particularly Google, is intensifying it’s fight against online child abuse. They plan to implement changes to prevent abusive, perverse images of children and teenagers from being sought after? through their search engine.
According to Google chairman Eric Schmidt, “We’ve fine-tuned Google Search to prevent links to child sexual abuse material from appearing in our results.” First, these changes will take place in the English speaking countries. But in six months, it will be implemented to all nations around the world. Search engine sites like Bing and Yahoo are expected to enforce similar restrictions to fight child pornography and other child abuses. A major advocate of fighting online child abuse is British Prime Minister David Cameron. Prime Minister Cameron goes as far as to say if search engines can’t do their part to keep child abuse images away from pedophiles, the search engine sites will be held accountable. England was the site of a major tragedy that started with child abuse images. Five year-old April Jones was murdered by online child porn addict Mark Bridger.
I’m glad something is being done, finally. I’m sorry it took the murder of an innocent small child to get people to wake up to this real evil. If you’ve read my blogs, you know I’m pro-freedom on just about all things. But in this case, I’m glad restrictions are being implemented. Anything that glorifies the abuse and exploitation of children in any way needs to be snuffed out! Another thing, if anybody seeks out these abusive websites, they will be directed to charities who help treat child porn addicts. Do you think this is an effective way to fight the savagery of child abuse and exploitation?