So let’s say hackers shut a city down. Then, there’s no electricity. There are no computers or IT service. The whole city shuts down. Then riots break out. Days and weeks pass by. The bodies pile up. This may sound like a movie, but this can be real. Can hackers cause an apocalypse?
I say this because I read about some disturbing trends lately. These trends aren’t in China or North Korea, but right here in Massachusetts. We’re talking less than an hour from our Boston computer service shop. For example, in Leominster, MA, an hour away from Boston, their schools paid $10,000 to hackers to get data back. That was a month ago. Several years back, hackers hit suburban towns of Melrose and Tewksbury, MA. Hackers forced these two towns’ police departments to pay ransomware. They gave in.
But wait…don’t take my word for it. Hackers themselves will tell you. One hacker turned cyber security CEO said all it takes is one act to bring down a whole city. For example, a city employee can click a phishing email. Then, a server can lock all data and cause ripple effects throughout the city. That hack can disrupt anything and everything from tax revenue to clean water to garbage collection. It could even disrupt 911 service.
Think about that. One hacker causes mayhem for an entire city. When people need 911 service, they’re not there to reach out. Do you know how many medical problems, fires, and crime that could cause? This isn’t a Hollywood movie, ladies and gentlemen. This can actually happen. It could have happened to Atlanta a couple of months ago. Can hackers cause an apocalypse? If so, then what can we do about it? You can avoid suspicious email and get a good anti-virus system. You can also have a good back up. If you’re a business owner or manager, then train your people on online safety and security. We need it now more than ever. What can we do to be safe?