Wisconsin Representative Says We Don’t Need Interntet

As you know, Congress helped kill online privacy. So this means ISP’s (Internet service providers) can share their customer’s history with whoever and whenever. But one Congressman blew everyone away. This Wisconsin representative says we don’t need Internet.

The Wisconsin Representative’s name is Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner (R-Wis.). So there was a town meeting. The ISP issue comes up. One man argued ISP companies should be face stricter rules protecting privacy. But nobody will forget the Congressman’s reply. He stated, “Nobody’s got to use the Internet.” Then, he went on to praise ISP’s for their universal service. He also seems to believe selling and trading our information makes it easier for advertisers.

But Rep. Sesenbrenner didn’t stop. On Twitter, ?his office tweeted, “He said nobody had to use the Internet. They had a choice.” But what about ISP’s tracking and using and even abusing their your data? He was quiet about that one. But at least we had some protection before this. ?They couldn’t exactly run wild with our data. The ISPs need some consent before trading our information like stocks on the NYSE. But earlier this year, President Donald Trump signed a bill that repealed this law. So here is the real surprise. This repeal had the backing of Democrats and Republicans.

But I’m still stuck in this, “Nobody’s got to use the Internet” comment. I would like to see this Wisconsin Representative go 30 days without using the Internet. Let’s see how fast Rep. Sensenbrenner changes his tune. In our Boston computer service shop, and in every IT service company in the world, we know how critical the Internet is. In the 1990s, it might have been a luxury. But now, it’s a necessity for survival. Can you imagine if an EMP took out the Internet and other technology? It would be like something out of an apocalypse movie. Do you think you can go without the Internet for 30 days?

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