Are you a Verizon user? If so, and if you haven’t heard already, listen up. Verizon, under court order, was forced to give away countless telephone data to the National Security Agency.
This current administration required Verizon to turn in all calls, without the permission of Verizon users, on an ongoing daily basis, whether users were?suspected of doing anything wrong or not.?The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court gave the?order to the FBI on April 25.?Phone numbers, call locations, and call times were recorded and turned in. The content of calls were not. If that’s supposed to make me feel better, nice try. Of course, the NSA, FISA, FBI, or Verizon has nothing to say. It’s not known if Verizon is the only major phone company made to give such an order, but I doubt it.
This is just wrong on so many levels. First off, our US Constitution forbids anyone to be searched in this matter without a warrant. Does our Constitution mean anything anymore? If they’re recording our phone info, how much farther can and will they go? Will they round us up just because they say something we don’t like. It’s not paranoia, it’s happened before. Look at all the 20th century dictator regimes. Plus, the United States of America is supposed to be an open free society. How open and free is our society if I’m looking over my shoulder every time I pick up my cell phone, wondering who is listening and what if I say the wrong thing? Am I overreacting or looking at this the wrong way?