Russia Closely Monitors Winter Olympics

In February 2014, Sochi, Russia, a resort city on the Black Sea, will host the Winter Olympics. Expect lots of things: pageantry, athletic competition, and surveillance. They can expect lots and lots of surveillance.

During these next Olympic games, athletes and fans in Sochi can expect every move and every conversation to be watched. That’s because the Russian government is ensuring no action or communication goes unseen. According to documents given to British newspaper The Guardian, the FSB (NSA of Russia) and Russian owned communication technology companies are in cahoots to install phone and Internet services that track everything the person is saying. They even plan to track and intersect..ahem…sensitive words, phrases and comments on social media. One article gives this example: if you were to type in or talk about one of President Vladimir Putin’s political opponents, the FSB would see it and you we be watched even more carefully.

Though I am shocked and saddened by such revelations, I can’t say that I’m surprised. When you look at what the NSA has been accused of doing over here, and Russia’s history, it was only a matter of time before the Olympics would get this treatment. I don’t condone it by any means. Yes, I know safety and security must be a priority, especially in the new dangerous world we’re in. But remember what founding father Benjamin Franklin taught us, “Those who are willing to give up liberty for security deserve neither.” But I don’t think it’s about security here. Note that if you mention a political opponent, you’re subject to more scrutiny. The NSA doesn’t even go that far, I don’t think. What’s the real reason behind this Winter Olympic surveillance?




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