Latin America Offers Snowden Asylum

This is playing out better than any daytime soap I ever grew up watching (yes, I am keeping my man card on that one!). For some time now, Eric Snowden has been held in the Moscow airport waiting for someone to grant him asylum. Now, it looks like some people have come to the rescue.

Latin American countries Bolivia, Venezuela and Nicaragua offer asylum to the man who blew the whistle on the National Security Administration. This comes in the wake of the Bolivian president having his plane stopped. Rumors circulated Snowden was on board that plane, and the plane was forced to stop in Austria and Bolivian President Evo Morales?was searched. Obviously, Snowden wasn’t onboard. Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro praised Snowden?for exposing the NSA”s surveillance on American citizens and European leaders. “He has told the truth, in the spirit of rebellion, about the US spying on the whole world,” Maduro stated in a public speech. Ecuador has also expressed support for Snowden.

I’m wondering why Central America is opening the welcome mat before anyone else. Maybe it’s because of that Bolivian plane incident. Maybe it’s the already icy relations between the US and Venezuela. Is this a way for these countries to show up the current administration? I wonder what the next twist will be. I wonder will he finally leave that airport. And how will the US respond?

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