Google Potential Lawsuit: What Will Happen?

Let’s face it: we live in a surveillance state. Those of us in managed IT services know it and see it. While others in computer repair fix it on a regular basis. But how much is too much? So lets look at the Google potential lawsuit: What will happen?

Well actually, thanks to a Google project manager, the Google potential lawsuit becomes reality. The Google potential lawsuit complains of internal spying. This spying includes employees snitching on each other. But apparently, this spying program encourages that. The lawsuit says this program violates California labor law. And that’s not all.

Furthermore, the lawsuit said Google leaders told employees not to write about potential illegal activities. The lawsuit also says why they told them this. The lawsuit says Google leaders didn’t want wrong information going to the law. Also, the suit says Google bans employees from writing novels about any company in Silicon Valley. That is, unless they have the Google’s approval. As a result, Google plans to fight this with everything they have. They call the Google potential lawsuit ‘baseless’. But if the plaintiff wins, Google could lose as much as 3.8 billion dollars.

So who is the manager behind the Google potential lawsuit? We don’t know. The only description they gave is ‘John Doe’. That right there is a warning flag. If you call yourself fighting for a worthy cause, shouldn’t you have the confidence to let yourself be known? We’re talking about one of the most respected companies in the world, not an underground crime ring. But some of this Google potential lawsuit has merit. I can see forbidding employees to write novels about your company. A lot of people can get hurt that way. But forbidding them to write about anybody in Silicon Valley?! That’s a bit much. And encouraging employees to snitch? Hey, I don’t like the whole ‘stop snitching’ culture on the streets. But encouraging employees to tattle takes ‘see something, say something’ to the extreme. What will happen of this Google potential lawsuit?


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