So the year 2018 is not off to a good start for Facebook. First, many blame Facebook for ‘fake news’. Then, a movement starts calling for people to delete Facebook altogether. Now, an Ars Technica report says Facebook collects SMS data from Androids without users’ permission or approval. So this is Facebook embroiled in another scandal.
Keep in mind they already apologized for the Cambridge Analytica scandal. Now comes this. But this time, Facebook denies these new reports. In fact, Facebook denies ever logging in people’s call and text history. Then they explained the deal. Facebook said that on the Android Faceook app, it includes an opt-in feature. With this feature, they agree to use it. However, they can turn off the opt-in feature at anytime. When they do, that will release any call, text or any other data the app might share.
It didn’t take long for Ars Technica? to respond. They say that Messenger was never even installed on the Android devices they use. This came from their editor, national security editor Sean Gallagher. He further says in installed the app on tablet Nexus and Blackphone 2. It’s almost like he’s backtracking here. But is it too late?
Even on my Facebook page, I’m losing friends. It isn’t because of anything I posted (at least I don’t think so), but because some people are tired of the scandals. They’re also heeding peoples’ call to get off one of the most popular IT service sites in the world. That’s not good for Facebook. Stock markets are proving it. As of right now, Facebook stocks are down over 4%. This doesn’t include the downfall their stocks had last week. I don’t know if Facebook is right, neither does anybody in this computer service shop. We don’t know if Ars Technology is right. But we do know this article will do even more to Facebook. So here we have Facebook embroiled in another scandal. What do you think this one will do?