Left Handers Day is here! 18 worst Lefty Problems

Now I know that only 1 in 10 people out there are left handed. So Left Handers Day is a day for the little guy. Being a fellow left hander myself, I have suffered as most of my life not being able to do certain things. Or sometimes just making a remedial task for a right-handed person a pain in the butt for me. One such example is how i have always wanted to play shortstop in softball, but being a lefty, I am not allowed over there. In my younger days I played ice hockey and whenever I needed a new goalie stick, there was only one brand, and 1 stick to choose from, sometimes it’s just not fair.

Working as an accountant and in the technology industry I run into Left handers problems all the time, below are 18 of the worst things that you as a left-handed person have to deal with:

18 Lefty Problems


So on this Left Handers Day, pay tribute to those of us that have to suffer, especially those ?wearing the left-handed hand gaurd while writing out your paychecks. Or give your lefty secretary a sticky note pad rather than that 3-ring binder that has been killing her hand for years. Buy a lefty lunch today, and be thankful you don’t have to use those scissors…

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