Why Does China Want Blackberry?

As Blackberry continues it’s free fall, companies are vying for it’s buy out. One of those companies is China’s Lenovo. But what are their intentions for attempting to buy Blackberry?

According to some security sources, even the Pentagon, say Lenovo wants Blackberry not to turn it around, but to hack into that system. It’s not like they haven’t done it before. Back in the 2000s, the Chinese hacked Nortel, a Canada based company. It went on for most of the decade. The hacking got so bad that in 2009, Nortel filed bankruptcy and the company was split and sold in parts. But Blackberry isn’t Nortel, and I’d like to think people learn from previous choices. The Canadian government is working around the clock to make sure Lenovo doesn’t get Blackberry. They’ve already blocked several foreign attempts to get Blackberry. Lenovo’s bid was rejected too.

The American government is doing it’s part to keep Blackberry from China’s grip. The US Defense Department estimated over 75% of it’s mobile devices are blackberries. Lenovo’s equipment is banned from five major English speaking countries: United States, Canada, Great Britain, Australia and New Zealand. I hope all of this and more is done to prevent Lenovo from getting Blackberry. Call me old fashioned, but when a company is bought, I believe the purchasing company’s job is to help turn the bankrupt company into a winner, not destroy it some more. Think of the global ramifications if China keeps it’s hacking up with no accountability or nobody to stop it. There’s already talk that China’s calling for the de-Americanizing the world. I don’t think this is junk talk; I think they actually mean it! What should happen to Blackberry?



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