Nintendo’s Comeback: Their Profits Soar

So when people think of Nintendo, they think of something my generation played back in the 1980s and 1990s. That was the go-to system for many of us in computer repair.? But maybe we should look at Nintendo as a current hot commodity. Nintendo’s comeback: Their profits soar.

So according to their own reports, Nintendo sold around 20 million of their newest console, the Switch. Nintendo also reports an 88% increase in profits just from last year. Overall revenue is up almost 10%. In Q2 2018 alone, Nintendo sold 1.88 million switches. Let’s not forget that we’re in the back to school shopping season already. Then comes the holiday shopping season. So I think we can expect these numbers to only increase.

But it doesn’t stop at the Switch. In September, they’re going to be new titles, like Super Smash Bros. and some new Pokemon games. Remember the classic Nintendo consoles for all us old school heads, and for those looking for nostalgia? Well, they sold over 1.25 million copies. It also sold 1.39 million Labo kits. That’s just in the last couple of months. Recently, their online games have been doing very well. They made billions of dollars recently. They’re anticipating the latest editions of Mario Kart Tour and Dragalia Lost. They should be out in early 2019.

I myself see the switch to Nintendo products. Because near our computer service shop, a customer let us play with his Switch. He told us he even sold his XBox One and switched to Switch. This is just part of Nintendo’s comeback. For a while, it wasn’t looking good. Just a while ago, they came out with their Wii U. It was a flop. Then you had competition from Xbox. But I’m glad to see Nintendo making a comeback. This is the system I grew up with. This is the system that brought me games like Zelda, Duck Hunt and Mike Tyson’s Punch Out. Past or present, what’s your favorite Nintendo game?

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