Top 10 Technologically Advanced Countries

This week, I’ve been reporting a lot about other countries, like China and Israel. That got me thinking; which are the most Technologically Advanced Countries?as of May 2013? So here we go the top 10 as seen by Computer Geeks

10. The Netherlands: Over 33 percent of her residents have a computer in their home, one of the highest ratios in the world.

9. China: Many tech products are made there. They’re known for hacking into US systems. They’re perhaps the biggest technological consumers. They’d be ranked higher if there was more online freedom.

8. Finland: It’s where Nokia, the world’s biggest cell?phone provider was founded. ?Eighty-four percent of her citizens use the Internet regularly. During the last several years,?Finland has helped?lead the world in tech innovation.

7. United Kingdom: Online access and smartphones are easily accessible. It has Microsoft’s second highest market. And notice how often those Brits get the latest smartphones before us Yanks do!

6. India: Now before you laugh, keep in mind how much software comes from there. Like China, they’re booming and their consumer power for computer related products will only get bigger. When you call customer service for that broken machine, guess whose probably going to answer?

5. Israel: Their Waze could merger with Facebook. Their Tel Aviv tech startups rival those of the Silicon Valley.?Did you know?35% of their exports are tech related?

4. Singapore: They have perhaps the highest Internet speed in the world. Not only that, the majority of her citizens have more than one smartphone and they have the highest mobile phone ownership in the world.

3. South Korea: Samsung headquarters are here; that should be?enough ! But?they also have the highest Wifi speed in the world. They’re fast catching up with Japan as the east Asia powerhouse.

2. U.S.A.: The companies that started here: Google, Yahoo, Apple, Microsoft, Dell,?AT&T,?Facebook, You Tube; I can go on and on. The Silicon Valley is the tech capital of the world. Americans are on their smartphones so much it’s starting to get annoying. Say what you want, but without the United States, there would be no technological revolution.

1. Japan: Isn’t it enough to give the world Nintendo, Toshiba, Sony, NTT, Hitachi, etc.? They’re coming up with more stuff, like holograms, transporters, even technology to keep us safe from tsunamis and nuclear war. Have you seen their robots and toilets?

I know I left some countries out. I can’t wait to hear from you guys about it.

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