Speed Tracer is a Chrome extension for you Web developers

While Internet Explorer and Firefox are the two most popular browsing clients used to navigate the web, Google?s made some headway with a relatively new entry that?s been a recipient of high marks for its features. Called Chrome, Google?s web browser has been praised for its speed and functionality.

If you?re a web developer, you?re always mindful of the speed your website moves at, knowing that even the slightest delay could determine whether or not a new visitor will return.

Aiding developers to that end, Google has released Speed Tracer, a Chrome extension that helps developers gauge just what might be slowing things down?? Java execution, specifically.

While this is probably of no use to your average internet user, it?s certainly something worth looking into if you?re someone who either has a website or is in the process of developing one.

The video below offers a demonstration of how Speed Tracer works:

Chrome can be downloaded from this site, while the Speed Tracer extension can be found here.

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