Every hour in the US, around 110 cell phones are lost or stolen, often by force or violence. States are circulating a ‘kill switch’ law. It would lock stolen phones. But big company names are fighting the good fight against this evil.
Companies such as Apple, Google, Samsung, Nokia and Microsoft are committed to adding their own anti-theft technology on newly made phones starting in 2015. Effective July that year, phones made after then will have ability to wipe out data and declare the device inoperable in case of a lost or stolen incident. This would be done remotely. Devices would be shut off until the original user gave permission. Some phones like Apple’s iOS 7, already have Activation Lock. This feature shuts down reactivation until the original user says so. In addition, these companies generally support the ‘kill switch’ law.
Although I totally applaud these carriers and companies for stepping up their anti-theft protection policy, not everyone feels that way. I read one comment that claims we consumers will now have to pay more for other consumers irresponsibility. I respectfully disagree with this. Yes, there are some common sense things can do to protect ourselves, like never leave your phone out in a public place. Guard your phone like you would your wallet or pocketbook. We can all do that. But the thing is, criminals are getting smarter and more brazen. Criminal hackers are using more sophisticated codes to break into phones. Instead of just pickpocketing a phone, robbers are just beating you out of it or sticking weapons in your face demanding it. So this is why I support such laws and efforts. Do you think they will help keep us safe?