Remember what browsers and old school software used to look like? I’m having flashbacks of Oregon Trail and Commodore 64 right now. Now, there’s a movement to make that happen.
A society called the Internet Archive brings us Historical Software Archive. They’ve preserved software going as far back as the 1970s. Don’t worry about not functioning in 2013 with old school software. The Internet Archive runs Multi Emulator Super System (MESS), which runs smoothly with any other modern browser. Yes, many systems allow you to play vintage video games, but Historical Software Archive, in the eyes of most in the tech community, is a name we can trust. Plus, you can bring all old school software back, even games like Pitfall.
Too bad only 29 systems are available for Historical Software Archive. But more are coming. I wonder if professional write will be one of them (remember those days?) But some of these programs include Word Star Word Processing, Chess, Microsoft Adventure, Apple Presents, and the original Pac Man. I think this will be a fun thing to do. I was worried about how this would mess up my modern browsers because like all of you, I got stuff to do in 2013 and need 2013 technology to do it. It would be fun to get that reminder of how things were like back in the day. This can be an education process as well. Show the younger generation what it was back in the 20th century. I bet it will give them a new appreciation of what they have. Plus, it’s just fun to go back down memory lane. What’s your favorite software/game from the old days?