How does the NSA have enough money and manpower to go on it’s spying spree in an economy like this? How do they find the skills to watch everyone’s every move? Well I tell you one thing…they don’t just get them from the street.
Jacob Applebaum is the author of a ?Der Spiegel article that ?was the first to expose the NSA playbook. At a conference in Hamburg, Germany last week, he talked about his findings. The talked of world elite hackers using pre-packaged exploits to break into Apple devices and others communicating through GSM. He says they can use devices than can hijack someone’s WiFi up to 8 miles. ?Yes, the devices these hacker elitist use are mostly transported by van. But don’t be surprised if they’re soon transported by drone. They may be doing this already.
Should this surprise anyone? I wish I had more info and where and how these hackers were getting employed, but unfortunately, I don’t. I have a few speculations. But I’m almost there…almost at the point where I say let them do what they’re going to do anyway. I’m still opposed to these tactics, and the others that have been exposed. Truly I am. But what in the world can we do about it?