Delete cookies with the CookieKiller extension for Firefox

If you?re familiar with how the internet works, you know that each website you visit probably has a number of cookies downloaded to your browser. While usually harmless (they?re not spyware or viruses), they can be used for tracking your activity on any given website, becoming something of a nuisance for those of us who value our privacy when traversing the web.

Every internet browser, from Internet explorer to Firefox, offers users the ability to delete cookies that have been collected from the various sites they visit. But the process usually involves several steps, requiring you to select a number of menus before you?re able to even see the cookie you desire the deletion of.

If you use Firefox, there?s a simple way to remove cookies, rendering the process an effortless task that makes cookies accessible with just a dropdown. It?s called the CookieKiller extension, and it?s as easy to use as every other Firefox extension we?ve discussed on the Computer Geeks blog. Upon installation, you?re given two means of using the extension.

The first option sees you using the Status bar. When accessing it via a right-click, you?re presented with a menu that lets you Enable Cookie Block, which will block cookies from being collected.


But when you left-click on the icon, you?re given a menu that delineates the cookies associated with your browser. Selecting one of these cookies will see it removed.


Another option of yours is the ?context menu,? which can be accessed by right-clicking anywhere on the page.


As seen, once you select the cookie you?d like to delete, it?s gone from the list of available cookies.



However, once you revisit a site, there?s always the chance of the same cookie attaching itself to your browser. To prevent that, you can access the ?Preferences? menu, where you?re able to permanently block deleted cookies.


Cookies can be helpful, especially if you?re a frequent visitor of a website that?d like to remain logged in upon each visit. But they can also prove to be an annoyance for those of you who?d rather not have a website tracking your activity. If you?re looking for a way to quickly remove your cookies, the CookieKiller extension is a convenient means of doing so with Firefox.

You can download the CookieKiller extension here.

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