Introducing the Giroptic 360

Have you ever owned a 360-degree camera before? Have you ever made your own? ?If you have, then you know the high maintenance software and equipment it requires. There might be an easier way.

The good people at Giroptic introduce their 360cam. It includes everything you need to take 36o-degree photos and videos, and you don’t have to add anymore software. It can fit into the palm of your hand. It has three lenses, one on each side, but none underneath. A 360-degree camera may seem complicated and intimidating, but this one doesn’t seem to be. It has one power button. The other button controls the camera’s modes, like video, photo, burst and time-lapse. It shows you the camera’s battery life and camera mode. It has lock in technology for your security and protection. It coincides with the Giroptic 360cam app, which can be downloaded on Apple and Android smartphones. There, you can easily share your photos on Facebook, You Tube and other social media sites. It’s definitely waterproof. I saw a cool demonstration of a man taking videos literally in a wishing well. Not only didn’t it short circuit, it got great views of the city while it was underwater! The Giroptic 360cam will cost you at least $500.

So is the Giroptic camera a good buy? It depends on the individual. If you’re going to spend $500, or more, on this, then you’d better use it regularly and take care of it…regularly. Fortunately, this camera is easier to take care of than if you built one yourself, then had to pay for the sophisticated software. Plus, a 360-degree camera can take pictures and videos like nobody else. If you can get a photo of an entire city spinning around without, and do so underwater, then do so! Just be ready to invest time, money and energy. Is Giroptic 360 camera the right investment for you?

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