Google Glass has been?a hot topic in the tech community for a while. They’ve even been the subject of a congressional inquiry. Now, there’s a Google Glass App Store coming for Google Glass users.
But they’ll have to wait until 2014 to get that app store. An essay in the New York Times seems to confirm that. This app store will be available when Google Glass is publically available next year. As of today, only a few thousand of qualified people have access to them. Rumors say they will run around $500, but some experts say that price will be about $1000. Google did confirm the app store rumors, but kept hush about the more intimate details. Will this app store be part of Google play or will it have it’s own store?
These are just a few of the questions I’m looking forward to. When in 2014 is Google Glass going to be released?? They’re still encouraging app developers to submit their apps. So don’t look for a January of February date. One thing that does make sense about Glass is they’re building the store around time when the device is made public. It makes no sense to release the app store when only several thousand people can ever get access to it. How well will Google Glass do? How well will this store do? There’s a part of me that’s rooting against Google Glass because I have serious privacy concerns. What questions do you have about Google Glass?