The Christmas shopping season is almost here. All things IT service will dominate. Then there is the drone. But people have concerns; one is spying. However, I saw one video that chilled me. Forget spying. Can drones kill you?
There is a drone that can follow a person at the user’s request. It also follows every the person’s every move. Then this drone has a compartment to carry a weapon, as long as it’s under 2.5 pounds. Think about how light weapons are today (like poison). However, this isn’t just military or police drones. You can get this kind of drone in a retail store or online store.
In 2016 alone, American consumers bought 2.5 million drones. You know that number will rise this year because the drone is the ‘it’ toy of computer servicing and technology. That doesn’t include the ones police forces or US military bought, or the ones sold overseas. For example, China sales over 100,000 drones a month. Ever hear of the Skywalker 8? Somebody can pack that with an explosive. Add GPS technology, and a criminal or terrorist mind, and we have disaster. Still not concerned? Check out this episode of Hawaii Five-O. It’s called ‘Nowhere To Hide”. Furthermore, it’s about bad guys using drones and turning them into killing machines on innocent people.
So I know many will say, “You’re crazy”, or “You’re a conspiracy theorist”. Look, I know most people are using drones either for recreation and/or for good. In fact, they used drones to help with hurricane relief efforts. But I’m not talking about the majority here. All it takes is one terrorist, or one group of terrorist. Not only that, but all it takes is one psychopath or sociopath. Then what if you have a few abusive powers in our own government or leadership who won’t hesitate? So can drones kill you? Unfortunately, they can. But what can we do about it?