Are You Ready For EMP?

You go to sleep. You wake up only to find your computer or smartphone doesn’t work. Neither does anyone else’s. You can’t even use your credit/debit cards because that system is kaput. You can’t fill up on gasoline because the electronic pumps aren’t working. Welcome to the world of an EMP.

This isn’t a sci-fi movie plot. Political leaders like Defense Department analyst Michael Maloof are extremely concerned of what an EMP could do to our computers, communications, banks, cars, transportation, food and water supply, electricity, emergency services. An EMP (electromagnetic pulse) can fry all electronics in it’s path. This can happen through a solar flare or a nuclear attack from high altitude. Think about how dependent we are on technology. If this were to happen, hospitals wouldn’t even be equipped to treat patients. Pacemakers would cease, leaving patients without this critical tool. Maloof believes North Korea has two satellites hovering over the US that can launch EMP’s at any moment. Even US Congress has been briefed on such EMP attacks. A device can fire an EMP from a distance and knock out power for an entire airport, or a high rise building. But Maloof is frustrated Congress isn’t doing more to prevent such a catastrophe. Other nations are. But Congress should be giving the EMP threat it’s highest priority, but it isn’t.

I agree with Maloof 100 percent. I don’t even hear the presidential candidates talk about this issue. It seems like we’re more concerned with who uses what bathrooms than a threat that could destroy us all. And if an EMP hit us, it would takes weeks, if not months to repair. ?Technology is no longer a luxury, but a necessity. If technology shuts down, our whole systems shut down. All the things we take for granted will cease to exist. It would be like knocking us from 2016 to 1835 in just one swoop. Shouldn’t our government and major tech corporations do more to prevent an EMP attack?

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