Television shows and football teams aren’t the only ones gearing up for the fall. Apple Care, the hardware and software support service, are getting in the act. A town hall meeting led by Apple V.P. Tara Bunch laid out, or at least started to lay out, plans for business changes.
One of the changes has to do with iPhone repair. During most damages, they simply give the customer a new one. Now, they want to fix the damages and give the customer the old one. Now, Apple stores can replace things from speakers to batteries. By summers’ end, stores can replace cameras and logic boards. In the months to come, Apple techs will have better tools to diagnose hardware issues, in hopes to save the company a billion dollars and cut wait time.
They’re looking to expand their home advisory team, almost double it, to create jobs and serve people better. Apple plans to include support through I-messages and support pages website. We can expect discussion boards and other threads to improve maintenance, and even provide preventative tips.
So how is this going to affect Apple customers? From the looks of it, pretty good. It would save Apple money to fix an old device rather than replace one. Plus, you reduce the risk of being exposed it you just get the old one back. I’m glad techs will have the better tools and training to better diagnose problems. Just like any good doctor, that’s totally needed. I’m down for anything that will cut time and create jobs. Not everybody can get to an Apple store, and some people live far away from one, so the discussion boards are needed. I can’t find a thing wrong with these changes. Oh, wait, I just found it. Will these changes actually be ready by this fall? Or will something happen that we’ll have to wait until fall 2014?