AI Takes Over Fast Food Industry, Maybe the World

So a few years ago, fast food workers protested, insisting on a higher minimum wage salary. Some of them got it, but some of they got replaced. And not by other workers, but by robots. However, there is another IT service company taking this to a whole new level. Let’s see how AI takes over fast food industry.

So there is a company they call Clinc. Clinc is a AI tech firm that specializes in AI voice conversation. They’re already offering their services to fast food giants like Taco Bell and McDonald’s. If they have their way, it will be a robot voice, instead of a human being, taking your order at the window.

However, they already say there are complications. They already admit how difficult it was to get AI to take orders. That’s because the people that run Clinc know that every order and voice are distinctly different. But like all voice technology, Clinc is trying to make their voice as human as possible. They also know a person can change their mind or add extra things at the drive through window. That’s why they’re studying things like speech pattern and voice. But they insists you can talk to this system normally just like you can a human being. We’ll see about that.

However, I will give Clinc credit here. They already have major clients in the banking industry. Okay, maybe that’s more or a warning sign than credit, but it goes to show. Clinc can make this happen. Some even used Clinc’s services at fast food joints in the past. Sometimes it got it right. Then other times, it got it wrong. But then again, humans get it right and wrong sometimes. So what makes this robot so special? And has this IT support firm even thought about the jobs that could go away because of this? As AI takes over fast food industry, what will become of this industry?


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