The Blue Screen of Death is a little hard to understand — until now.


Oftentimes, through no fault of either party, our customer service representatives encounter unintended obstacles when attempting to detail exactly why a customer?s computer has ceased to properly function. One of the more frequent problems encountered by our clients is the infamous ?Blue Screen of Death,? or BSOD. The ?Blue Screen of Death? is an ominously nondescript blue screen alerting the user that, for any number of reasons, the computer must shut down to prevent further damage. This screen is accompanied by text, of which much is unintelligible to all but the most tech savvy.

As calls come into our office, our phone reps attempt to detail the specific problem as best they can, but their understanding of what lies at the heart of the issue goes only so far as the end user is able to articulate it. No blame can be attributed to the client, for even some of the most accomplished technicians find themselves at an immediate loss for what?s ailing a system stricken by BSOD, their answers coming after the issue has been researched.

BlueScreenView is an informative utility that operates as a interpreter of sorts, taking what many find to be incomprehensible and processing? that information in a manner that makes it a bit easier to digest. The necessity of a utility like BlueScreenView becomes obvious when observing how little time you have before the ?Blue Screen of Death? proceeds with a system reboot.

With BlueScreenView, the user can access BSOD dump file, filtering that information through a report that?s just a bit easier to understand. When launching the application, it will scan for the minidump files generated by the system crash, which are usually located in C:windowsminidump. Taking that data, it displays it in a window, with the dump file listed above and those drivers associated with the crash sorted below.

You can read even more information about the driver?s role in the crash by double-clicking on each one. Or, you can simply decide to parse the selections down to just those drivers that were directly implicated in the system crash.



It bears mentioning that this is merely the precursor to any troubleshooting that is to take place on the stricken computer. BlueScreenView translates the garbled messages from the BSOD and creates a clearer account of just what precipitated the system crash. While this utility will not solve the conflict, it will grant the user a better understanding of where the focus should be.

For those users who are interested in calling Computer Geeks, this might prove handy, particularly when relating the details of what you?ve experienced to the phone representative that takes your call.

You can download BlueScreenView here.

If your system experiences a sudden crash, or if you have a question about an unrelated matter, Computer Geeks is here to help.

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