Remember last summer, when everyone thought Russia?hacked the Democratic National Committee? But apparently, there’s more to the story! Much more. Attention: Russia hacked Republican National Committee!
So, this comes from US intelligence officials. And they are highly confident of this. Furthermore, intelligence officials believe Russia hacked the Democrat National Committee as well. They allegedly did it by hacking their computer systems. But wait, there’s more. Agents believe Russia leaked hacked documents to Wikileaks. That’s how Wikileaks?were able to report on so much dirt, especially on the Democrats. Then why didn’t these documents attack the Republicans? For months, they said they were never hacked. But now, we learn different. As one can expect, officials have no comment.
President-elect Trump’s transition people addressed the Russian hacking issue. Basically, they said it’s time to move on. Another government official said Russia’s hacking on the Republicans wasn’t as successful. But it did happen. We’ll never know how many files they got. Did Russia do this to help Trump win? We’ll probably never know that either. But the CIA and NSA stated that certain Russian officials conducted the cyber attacks. I have a feeling President Obama will want to find out all he can about this before January 20.
So what does this have to do with the IT field? Quite a bit. This is just another reminder the IT industry effects everything we do these days. This includes politics. It took some great IT minds, from overseas, to hack into not one, but two US political parties. Did they sway the election? We’ll probably never know that. Maybe it did. Maybe not. But it shows you how powerful IT can be. Not only that, this story reminds me how global IT is. Note the hackers didn’t come from the US. They came from Russia. What lessons are there for 2020?