Magzter the new way to read magazines

Newspapers, magazines and books are still running strong on the shelves of newsstands, bookstores and even some convenience stores. Throughout this digital age many companies have been going digital and have put their papers, magazines and books online for you to read without having to leave the house.
Now Magzter is starting make trend with magazines. At the beginning Magzter just sold magazines per issue or annual subscriptions to your favorite magazine. It?s just like having them delivered right to your doorstep like old times only without having to wait for the mail. Well now Magzter is starting a subscription model called Magzter gold.

Magzter gold will be a subscription model like Netflix but instead of movies and TV shows you get magazines. At $9.99 per month you will get access to over 2,000 magazines which include Fast Company, ESPN and even Maxim. Magzter has also brought in a lite version for $4.99 per month that gives you access to five titles but you can access the entire archive of those titles.

Now you may ask yourself this is a good idea why didn’t Magzter start this sooner? Well it comes down to the publishers of the magazines and getting them to want to try this. As Co-Founder and CEO Girish Ramdas stated that they have ?always been toying with the idea? and that it only has come to life due to Magzter getting publishers to get on board.

Now this is not first company to do this however. A company called Next Issue is doing this but with just over 140 titles is $9.99 per month but still need a subscription of $14.99 if you want to read weekly items such as Time and The New Yorker.

So do you believe this trend will work out or do you think it will flounder? I believe that it will work out just fine, if these publishers are still printing paper magazines, newspapers and books, why not do a digital subscription. I would like to know your thoughts on this not so new concept. So please leave your comments below.

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