A warning by the FBI said that hacker activist group Anonymous broke into computers and obtained sensitive information. This campaign started around last Christmas.
A series of electronic break-ins that started last December left ‘back doors’ for the hacktivists to return, and they have been returning. The warning said the attacks have hit the US Army, US Energy Dept. and US Dept. of Health and Human Services at least. An investigation is still ongoing. Computer operators and others are told what to look for in case of an attack. According to the US Energy Dept., some stolen data includes bank account info on 2,000 people. If you recall, the group launched a cyber attack on eBay/Pay Pal, in retaliation to Pay Pal blocking donation to the controversial site Wikileaks.
Got mixed feelings on this one. One on hand, it’s never good when someone’s banking information is put out there. What if an innocent person has his ID stolen and is wiped out because of this cyber attack? I must admit, I do have a soft spot for anonymous. At least they’re raising awareness about what really goes on in government. At least they’re trying to keep them honest and expose corruption. Some of their methods are questionable, but it’s better than being apathetic and complacent. Who do I side with?