One of the biggest news issues this year has been the revelation of the government surveillance on our technology. Little did I know how fast the surveillance has increased in such a short time.
According to one Google blog, government requests for Google use have more than doubled in just four years around the world. The request have more than tripled in the US. Between January-June 2013, more than two-thirds of those request (10,918 during that period alone) were subpoenas, 22% were warrants. By far, the US leads the world in government request for info on their citizens. India, Germany and France placed distant runner-ups (about 2600-2000) a piece.
What’s to make of this? I think Google should be given props for even giving us this release! When this story broke several months ago, many thought the NSA and tech companies were in cahoots. Now I’m starting to see things differently. Not only that, this blog doesn’t apologize for letting us know either! Plus, it sort of reinforces what many of us already know. This surveillance didn’t just start; it’s been going on for years. Though the US leads the league in this activity, they’re by no means the only ones. I believe knowledge is power. The more we know the specifics about this, the more awake, alert and aware we will all be. Do you wonder how much information requests we will have three years from now?