Television has come a long way from the old black and white days. Today’s TV comes from things from online connection to cameras. Speaking of cameras, Samsung Smart TV corrected a huge wrong.
Due to a manufacture’s mistake, Samsung Smart TV has been forced to correct a huge wrong. A flaw let hackers get into any screen and turn on the TV and watch the TV remotely. That’s right, they can watch your TV without your control, knowledge or consent. They can use this to log onto your web accounts to get your information. Or worse, they can be watching your every move, even during your more intimate moments. Don’t worry, Samsung did fix the mistake. A security firm named iSEC Partners identified the issue and the makers combated it with proper software.
But this brings up bigger issues. How many more televisions have security flaws like this that weren’t caught? I read an article about how the Xbox One has a camera that can monitor someone at all times. Many of these TVs that connect online have little security, except for a password that often gives you more grief than it ever would a potential hacker. Until firms like iSEC Partners dive into the big issues, I think security issues like this will become more difficult to remedy. When you’re watching your favorite TV show tonight, who might your uninvited guest be?